The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Roberts is the most dangerous of them all. DUCY.

They’re extraditing Assange and he’s not even a US citizen.

Also, don’t want it in my search history, but I’m pretty sure you can be prosecuted for age of consent violations that wouldn’t apply in the country where it happened.

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Sounds like judicial activism to me.

Though I must say Roberts has given us a clear way of figuring out how people see US politics.
People who think this was 5-4 and those who do not.

This would be a good example I hadn’t thought of. Definitely not investigating it.

But you do realize that’s how it will be used.

I’m interested in how state-to-state extradition works. Let’s say Texas issues a warrant for a California doctor who has performed medical services of which Texas does not approve for Texas citizens. As things currently stand, the person does not get extradited. Who decides that? Could a conservative judge or government official approve extradition?

Roberts just established that he doesn’t really matter. He’s superfluous.

Depending on the case, the most important Justices are Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

Holy shit, what a long game.

Imagine being a black dude, marry a white woman, realize she’s crazy as fuck. Can’t get divorced because of religion. “Fuck it, I’ll got law school, become a lawyer, become a judge, get appointed to the supreme court, and then I’ll overturn interracial marriage”.*

*May not be historically accurate.


Yes, it can be federally enforced, and I can’t wait to see how that plays out with a GOP-controlled SCOTUS, Congress, and White House.

The (existing) marriage would not be invalidated due to the same ex post facto argument Kavanaugh set forth in his concurrence.

Obviously, very few (if any) states would pass laws banning interracial marriage if Loving was overturned.

In any event , I also don’t see how it’s not simply an equal protection as opposed to substantive due process solution (if the case is overruled); so, nothing would change except the rationale. So, Loving being affirmed on different grounds would not allow states to make laws banning interracial marriage.

GOP’s next order of business will be to stamp out loopholes and make laws to prevent “abortion tourism.”

Also we’ll probably see an effort to strip abortion rights away from states like California

They’ll be invalidated. They won’t have Kav or Roberts (at least) to support them. Preliminary injunctions will be sought and obtained. More Kabuki theatre.

“What we are seeing is a pendulum that is swinging back to state power over fundamental rights,” said S. Karthick Ramakrishnan, a professor of public policy at the University of California, Riverside. “This is the result of decades of investment by movement conservatives.”

Back to the Jim Crow era

Not quite. All the equal protection law is still good for a majority of the Court.

lol, all of that shit will be thrown out the window. They’re not stopping until they get abortion completely stamped out in every state.

Divorce lawyers and Sweet Summer Children after a happily married Thomas helps get the 13th Amendment repealed: :vincentvega:

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They won’t be able to do that. Of course they’ll “try” because their supporters need to see them “do something” now that the dog caught the car.

It is interesting that Democratic politicians don’t care about advancing their interests, but Republicans won’t stop until they have everything they want.

Just like they couldn’t yeet Roe v Wade?