The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Cliffs: biden didn’t rule out nuking filibuster for this

don’t think he would nuke it though

phones-out brigade

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Bill Maher needs to be dragged behind the stables, shot and melted down for glue.


I’m seeing lots of “Look the Democrats are pros and know what they’re doing and if they had done anything differently over the past twenty years things would be worse” on Twitter today. Very likely I wake up tomorrow banned.


Looks like some of the first steps of Balkanization are in the works.

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Maybe if we were to live to be a 1000 years old it would be reasonable to fret over this shit. Because wrecking our lives arguing for another 20 years that the sky is about to fall when 20 years after that is the average age of death for the average late 30s now seems like the worst possible way to live.

This is so good


Her primaring Joe Crowley was a massive upset…

Maybe she can primary Schumer…



The Dems only hope is to nuke the filibuster, enact voting rights legislation and democracy reform, pass their agenda and hope that it’s popularity and the democracy reform is enough to help them win in the next cycle. This would, in theory, eventually force the GOP to move towards the middle.

What happens when the Republicans win control, like they did with Trump? Is this scenario betting heavily on that not happening?

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This stuff terrifies eDems, even just the whiff of specifics that could lead to accountability


People need to realize and accept that the Republicans are kicking our asses, they have like 200bb and we have 8bb and the blinds are about to go up. I’m not saying it has to feel good to jam the A5o but it’s necessary and correct.

The GOP has left no stone unturned in bucking norms and aggressively pursuing raw power, then using it. So why haven’t they nuked the legislative filibuster? Because they know that would be good for us and bad for them. It plays right into their advantages.

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It’s because a two party system is so obviously the worst political structure because is leads to pure tribalism.

For Americans, no amount of logic, science, or rhetoric will ever trump team loyalty. Dems have done nothing wrong because they are dems, period.

It’s far worse than that. Republicans know the game is no limit. Dems are still playing limit.


Even the 5-4 losers believe Kav when he says the court will protect the right to travel :laughing:


Ya that was fucking insane. Same thing on Amicus.

These people simply can’t accept SCOTUS has zero credibility and no redeeming value anymore. It’s a republican hack playground now no different than any other.

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LOL Constitutional Law professors who have to get up with a straight face and teach “not Calvinball”


That is actually a perfect analogy. And they’re not even playing the interesting limit holdem, like 40-80 or something. They are the fossils who play 3-6 holdem, show up only on days with the big high hand promos, all limp in and check it down, and then split the high hand when one of them hits it. If anyone sits in the game and raises preflop they all freak out and yell about norms “thats not how WE play”. And they bitch and moan over everything and expect the staff to cater to their every need ahead of all other customers.


Maybe I’m sweet summer child, but is there any example anywhere of a state trying to prosecute someone for activity in another state that is legal in that other state?

I’m guessing that the legal strategy would be something like conspiracy - a Texas resident planned in Texas to travel to Colorado for purposes of obtaining an abortion. But doesn’t conspiracy require a crime? Could Ohio prosecute me for traveling to Colorado to smoke weed? That seems preposterous, but lots of states have been attempting to cross my line of preposterous. So at this point I’m just morbidly curious about how exactly they’re going to try to push this through.