The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Yeah, but it missed the more substantive point of Obama’s tweet. The reversal of precedent is not the main problem.

If you actually plugged in Plessy vs Fergusson into that tweet and did the entire thing, it actually wouldn’t work.

Sure. It’s a stupid tweet from a dumbass senator. I think he’s thrilled that roe is overturned and is trying to own the libs with his seemingly smart analogy. I just don’t think he’s explicitly or implicitly calling for segregation.


Yeah, I posted something like this before. Just stand your ground against the fetus. It can absolutely cause you to be in fear for your life.

Weird he chose the two most famous cases about race equality. It’s intentional. The Trump plausible deniability thing.

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There should be more outing of Republican and Republican-adjacent people who had abortions.

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Oh yeah, I thought that was obvious, but after going down the twitter rabbit hole, I guess not.

He is certainly, at the minimum, seeking to score points with people who do want segregation

I can’t believe I’m kind of stanning for this douchebag, but if you’re making that point obviously you’re going to pick the famous worst cases that come to mind.

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That’s fair I’m probably just too mad to be rational right now


He didn’t choose two separate cases. Brown overturned Plessy - they’re obviously linked. I feel like I’m going crazy.

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Even if one truly didn’t want to do that, that is still one of the best examples to use. I use Plessy and Dred Scott all the time when I want to make certain points about the SC. They are the quintessential terrible decisions.

Yeah. Korematsu is the other obvious one to point to, but it was only quasi overturned. Which maybe makes it an even better example depending on what point you’re trying to make.

Yeah possibly also him being 5/5ths of a person.

Yeah, that’s a good one too. And the case that “overturned” it was nearly as bad.

It seems as if he’s making the point that Obama’s concern about overturning precedent is inconsistent given that Obama would certainly agree with Brown overturning Plessy.


Riverman, econophile, and WichitaDM all were completely convinced, so you shouldn’t have even needed to venture into those dark dumb depths.

The GOP loves scoring these hypocrisy points. It’s tedious and anti-intellectual, but the selection of Brown is less about dog whistling and more about selecting the best case to drive home the hypocrisy point.

Hypothetically, if they made it also a federal crime, would the feds be able to supercede the states, charge the crimes, get quick guilty pleas, then immediately pardon everyone? Would double jeopardy then block the state from charging the same crime at the state level?


Well, even if that would work, it would backfire spectacularly in 2.5 yrs.