The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

On Monday,

  1. Biden needs to declare national health emergency

  2. dems need to abolish the filibuster

  3. introduce bills to codify gay marriage, contraception, privacy, and abortion into law.

None of this will happen. Dems will do nothing. Literally not one thing.

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Really, as long as Biden runs the DoE Biden could probably squeeze Manchin’s balls until he screams. LBJ would’ve had a few coal mines shut down for regulatory violations by now.

This decision is every bit a part of the democratic process as the election we demanded Republicans respect. Sometimes you have to take the L.

Sometimes you don’t, as when the next seat opens.

What did clovis say that was outside of the democratic process?

That’s a good point.

As for immediate action, the Dems will do things where the GOP has been doing them for the last 30 years: the states.

Abortion tourism. jfc


First law should be that men federally responsible for child care and maternal Heath care. IRS garnishment. Anything that puts burden on the sperm donor.

Technically, he concurred with the outcome but not with overturning Roe.

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If Kavanaugh for sure would have begged Dr. Blasey to have an abortion if it came to that.

I truly think we are drawing live to Clarence Thomas invalidating his own marriage.

If they wanted to exert pressure, they could always leverage his daughter’s corporate malfeasance against him but we all know that will never in a million years happen.


This is the guy the media is currently slurping for agreeing to a dog shit gun bill. Openly advocating for segregation.

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What in the actual fuck

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That actually happening is on the table at this point and why not just openly say it. There will be no consquence for it and the base absolutely loves a dunk like that on Obama the black muslim radical socialist.

He’s saying that it’s ok to reverse bad decisions.


Dude seriously this is getting old. Muting but this isn’t cool or funny at all. This shit is going to mess up so many lives.

The privacy basis for abortion is dead.

I hope we see a self-defense argument in a trial for having an abortion. (Note that in Texas providing an abortion carries life in prison)
I heard a lot about the “grave bodily harm” standard during the George Zimmerman trial for murdering Trayvon Martin. Cases have made it a very low standard. Police like to kill people for the smallest risk of injury and courts have been happy to call it defense against a threat of grave bodily harm. Any pregnancy carried to term inflicts grave bodily harm on the mother as a near certainty. Preventing that injury risk is legitimate self-defense and it doesn’t matter that the fetus is innocent. The same states that have anti-abortion laws have the strongest self-defense laws.
I understand the court will Calvinball it in the end. Make them do that. Play out every option.

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I feel like iron’s interpretation is obviously correct. It’s a defense of overturning “bad” precedent.