The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Any thoughts that a Justice may be retiring soon and that is why so many of these landmark decisions have been tackled lately? Or is it just “hahaha we have the power now, fuck you”?

Get out soon. We’re probably close to a lot of places not allowing immigration from shithole countries.

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Thats what I’m having trouble with. My wife an I are too far removed from our ancestry in other countries to qualify that way. Every time I look for a job in another country I get the “not looking to sponsor foreigners” thing, we don’t have enough in the bank to qualify for any type of golden parachute options, and visitors visas to most countries are 3-6 months max.

Oh boy, can’t wait to see how the GOP rallies all their voters with Roe V Wade not on the table any more. Whatever will they do to get them to vote?

We’ve heard forever that they would never allow this to happen because it keeps their base energized, meanwhile we’re about to see the dems absolutely slaughtered in the next 2 elections…


Alito seems absolutely miserable, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he just bolts now that he’s accomplished his life’s crowning achievement. On the other hand he’s the absolute worst partisan hack so he’s almost certainly going to wait until 2025 when he’ll be replaced by a desantis pick.


Fucking Inso doing a tapdance on this is making my head hurt

They’ll just make stuff up. Did you know that Dems are trying to take all your guns and make your children gay?

3rd trimester abortions of viable fetuses is not a thing that happens, but a woman should have every right to vacate her body of either a viable fetus via c-section (or induced labor) or a non-viable one via abortion.



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Codifying a federal abortion ban should turn them out nicely.

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Women need to go on a sex strike, install gopher traps in their vaginas and wear body cams 24/7.


You’re in CA, right? You’ll probably be fine. I’m going to quadruple down on my belief that Balkanization of the US is far more likely than coast-to-coast fascism.


the powers that be just use the religious right as a battering ram on this issue - this isn’t about saving “babies” or life or anything like that, this is more than a little bit motivated to keep black and other disenfranchised communities poor.

sorry if that was obvious but i think people miss this sometimes

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It’s wild that we all basically lost our Miranda rights and that was just a below the fold story in 2022.

It worked in Ancient Greece


Maybe a bad week to start watching Handmaid’s Tale

“They can’t do this!?”



Honestly just feel sick about all this. Can’t imagine there’s many lines they won’t cross to get to the society they want. It’s going to get worse before it gets better.


lolol how is the biden response to all of this STILL “well gee whirlickers, this stinks, but what can we do?”

Disagree. These people have a brand new world they want to usher us into. That everyone who wants to give us that new world look and sound miserable doesn’t detract from their desire to do it.

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