The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

5-4 made a snipe in a recent episode to the effect of “Two years ago when we started this, nobody was saying the Supreme Court sucks besides us. Now everybody is saying it sucks!”

But just a huge lol to the reporters who spent their whole careers covering this shit fawningly just to have the rug pulled out from under them by three random lawyers.


The decision explicitly upheld Miranda.

Upholding it, but with no means of enforcing against violations, isn’t really upholding it.

The means of enforcing it is the exclusionary rule, which has always been the primary means of enforcing it.

Wherever there’s a raging inferno, you can count on iron81 to be there to say…



So you said

Who the fuck would want to live in the coming America. SCOTUS is cementing the US as the absolutely worst high gdp country on earth by such a margin it won’t ever be caught. Literally being born American will be a huge negative for one’s quality of life.

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arby’s tho


“Oops, our bad.”


they aren’t elected so i doubt they care - I do wonder though if they ever worry that history is going to judge them quite harshly

As a Canadian I will allow a decent chunk of the US into Canada as provinces. Only requirement is they must have had 2 democratic senators for the past 15 years.


I wouldn’t call that “a decent chunk”. I don’t even think 10 states would qualify.

Thankfully, Vermont is one of them (assuming Bernie counts), so I’m in.

9/10ths of the people who surround them tell them they’re greater and smarter than sliced bread or are completely bought into the project so opinions of any kind except fellow travelers don’t matter.

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What if your options are the US or a third world nation?

Robert’s pretty clearly does care about his legacy but the other five conservatives give zero fucks

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They are literally religious zealot weirdos. This is the legacy they WANT.


about it

Depends which one

Make it 10 years and I’m in. We get New York, Illinois, the entire west coast and Hawaii, among others. 15 means no Oregon.

I was looking at the senate from 2007 and it’s incredible which states were totally blue:

  • Wisconsin
  • Michigan
  • Montana
  • West Virginia (no Manchin!)
  • North Dakota??
  • ARKANSAS?!?!?!?