The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

She wants emergency stays to only be used for actual emergencies.

Well thatā€™s obviously not true. William Calley got house arrest.

Thomas also recites the prosecutionā€™s narrative ā€” including gruesome details of the crime ā€” as if it were fact, ignoring the numerous expert witnesses and two federal courts that have said the injury that caused the girlā€™s death couldnā€™t possibly have happened at the time and in the manner the state of Arizona claims.

The Supreme Courtā€™s own history ought to impart some lessons here. In 1994, Scalia described in an unrelated death penalty case the heinous nature of the rape and murder for which Henry McCollum was convicted and sentenced to death in North Carolina. It was, Scalia argued, a poster case for the death penalty. About 20 years later, McCullum was exonerated and freed. In 2006, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote a dissenting opinion defending the Tennessee conviction of Paul House that also included graphic descriptions of the crime and a recitation of the stateā€™s narrative as if it were fact. House, too, was later exonerated and released.

Thomas joined both of those opinions. He seems utterly unchastened that both were so clearly and consequentially wrong.


She lived in their house. Some truly sick shit here.

A third woman, Susan Reynolds, said in a sworn statement that she lived in the Ranaghan household, and that she had at one point been ā€œshockedā€ to hear that Kevin Ranaghan sometimes showered with two of his daughters, who were 10 or 11 at the time.

Completely rigged the whole system for not 1, not 2, but 3 fucking seats for charlatans.

123 posts were split to a new topic: Relocation in light of SCOTUS border patrol decision

The ā€œattempted assassinationā€ outrage about Kavanaugh is rustling my jimmies good.

Did the guy not call the cops on himself?

Also Dems are such failures for not renaming the gun control bill ā€œProtect our Supreme Court Justices Billā€ or whatever. We suck so much at this game.


Yes, he called 911 to report he was suicidal and at some point mentioned wanting to kill Kavanaugh. It was a diabolical plan.

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Itā€™s rustling my jimmies because the solution to this problem is gun control.

Itā€™s like fine letā€™s talk about it. I think we should have more gun control so that crazy people canā€™t kill supreme court justices.

Of course ACB is in a cult where women surrender their entire beings to men. Those crazy eyes. We are so fucked

Cult leader was showering with 11 year olds

When is SCOTUS gonna release the decision, man?

Iā€™m on pins and needles waiting for the breathless gasp, followed by the apathetic death rattle of the USA#1 normies. Light the rocket!!!

ETA: Anyone else vaguely on edge lately? Weird, Iā€™m working especially hard to stay centered and/or focused these days.

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Shit is there a cult leader who isnā€™t a sexual predator?

Also Border Patrol is gonna be Americaā€™s version of the SS when apartheid becomes reality. Give it 20 years (when Hispanics are expected to become the majority in America).

I can only think of L Ron Hubbard and the heavens gate people. Thereā€™s a few others though. Obviously ton of degens though

showering with

According to one of his sons, Hubbard did have relations with underage girls

Pretty simple Venn:


Had no idea until just now: RBG was a student of Nabokovā€™s at Cornell.

Anyone else remember when someone asked Cruz about Roberts and Cruz says that he was a trash pick and that W should have picked Luttig instead.

I want someone to play that tape back and ask him about Luttig now. It will have no effect on anything, but I will be highly amused.