The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


That would be such an elite troll for a panhandler to do outside of an abortion clinic that has regular anti-choice protestors.

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Iā€™m guessing weā€™re never going to find out who leaked the opinion?

Not unless Gini confesses.

maybe im tinfoiling, but the longer we hear nothing the closer to 100% it gets that it was a conservative justice/clerkā€¦ the right would never ignore this major opportunity to smear the left. and as the other poster said, Ginni would know first and be on the phone immediately to any and every body that would listenā€¦

Well that explains a lot. She finally found a cult big enough that she can pretend itā€™s not a cult.

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Who cares?

And actually there are rules for war, hence the term ā€œwar crimesā€.

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Contrary to popular opinion, there are also rules in love, e. g., the oft-cited Broes before Hoes decision


I loled, but minor joke nitpick: should be Broes v. Hoes


We have 3 absolute lunatics on the Supreme Court

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Was kind of hoping it would be upheld and those companies didnā€™t allow users from Texas and the leopards faces got eaten again

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The law was blatantly unconstitutional but itā€™s probably ultimately bad that the government has its hands tied dealing with social media.

Can a lawbro or anyone else explain to me whatā€™s up with Kagan on this decision?

I assume sheā€™s objecting to deciding cases via shadow docket.

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Iā€™m afraid Iā€™m going to need you to dumb it down more than that.

If there is a stay like this, then how would she want it handled? That the SC should just hear the case instead of ruling on the stay and then waiting for an appeal to the SC and then not hearing that appeal?

Iā€™m still having a hard time wrapping my head around what the exact problem is.

There needs to be some sort of mechanism for emergency stays that canā€™t wait for however long a supreme court case usually takes. And if the problem is that shadow docket cases are sometimes decided without explanation, the remedy would be to just write an opinion the same way one would if they were hearing a regular case.

So what exactly is the problem? And what exactly does Kagan want done differently?

I realize there is a lot of shadow docket abuse. But no emergency stays ever seems like a terrible solution to that problem.

Nah itā€™s not that bad she didnā€™t let the law stand.

The rule is that only the loser ever did any war crimes