The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Staying classy:

Holy shit this is horrifying. Thank you for posting this. I am so glad to be moving from South Carolina to Washington State in the next month.


They don’t, they live their lives based on the parts of those books that they pick and choose to live by.

They ignore the stuff about feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, housing the homeless, caring for the sick, showing mercy and kindness to a prostitute, and hating the sin but loving the sinner.

These people better hope their book is a work of fiction because if not, they’re in for a rude awakening in the next life.


He’s just salty because his girlfriend ditched him for the week to prep for the SAT.


You can LOL Bill Maher for a lot (and I do mean A LOT), but I always liked this quote:

For almost two thousand years, Christians have been lawyering the bible to try and figure out how ‘Love thy neighbour’ can mean 'Hate thy neighbour’ and how 'Turn the other cheek’ can mean 'Screw you I’m buying space lasers’.

Martin Luther King gets to call himself a Christian because he actually practised loving his enemes, and Gandhi was so fucking Christian he was Hindu. But if you rejoice in revenge, torture and war… you cannot say you’re a follower of the guy who explicitly said 'Love your enemies’ and 'Do good to those who hate you’

Jesus lays on that hippy stuff pretty thick. He has lines like 'Do not repay evil with evil’ and 'Do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you.’ Really! It’s in that book you hold up when you scream at gay people.


This quote excludes many everyday people who are absolutely trying to love their neighbor.

Pretending like they don’t exist isn’t any different than Edems forgetting about the working class.

The church I grew up in resides in a poor neighborhood and is now comprised primarily of hispanics.

Is this the part where I start to assume people hate hispanics?

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Redacted for privacy.


The quote very specifically addresses this.

I can’t speak to your church in the poor neighborhood, but if the parishioners there are voting for the Republican party in 2022, then I would say they are very much going against the main teachings of the Bible.


eh don’t need that much just look at LDS or scientology.

We got her! And she’s Black!

People in the evangelical church in the nearby white neighborhood probably do, yes. Like to be clear here, I grew up in and around churches and somewhere around 60% of the people were great people who don’t have a hint of racism or sexism in them. I truly believe my youth pastor growing up and my pastor would make immense personal sacrifices to help even those who they feel are sinning. When people from our church encountered racist Christians, they were aghast.

But I was just lucky my parents picked a good church and weren’t the phony type of Christians. But I had a friend growing up who went to a different church whos’ parents talked shit on the black neighbors behind their back, and the mother was our guidance counselor in school. Totally polite and friendly to her face, then all kinds of shit talking when they went inside. “There goes the neighborhood.”

In pretty much every aspect of their outward life they were high and mighty about their religion, and behind closed doors you’d hear the n-word every now and then. Just disgusting people. Obviously they were extremely pro life and they are, last I heard, extremely Republican. My old friend hated Trump in 2016 and frankly I’m terrified to ask now.

Yeah exactly like almost everyone on my Mom’s side of the family is pretty much Catholic and pre-Trump was either center left or center right, I would say. Probably 65/35 Dems, but not like straight ticket voters. The ones who voted red were mostly over abortion and they were uncomfortable with some of the platform, whereas the ones who voted blue were uncomfortable voting for pro choice candidates but put more weight on helping the poor. So like hard to call most of them terrible people, if you took them at their word.

They were all repulsed by Trumpism and adamantly vote Democratic now. The one exception: my aunt who started going to evangelical churches when she met my uncle. They also happen to be the only two in the family who make those little “innocent” racist comments that racist white Christian people make when telling stories. You know, stuff like, “He was such a nice guy… (whispered) and he was black.”

My Dad’s side of the family is all protestant or evangelical. The protestants all vote for Dems except my one cousin who went down the mask/vaccine rabbit hole never to be seen in the sane world again. The evangelicals are probably 75/25 Trumpers, ranging from hold their nose and vote for the repulsive guy because abortion and tax cuts to yeeee haawww we’re doing God’s work!

I will say this, if you happen to be white and you spend like 15 minutes alone with white evangelicals in private in groups of like 5 or less, you’ll almost certainly know whether they’re racist or not. In my experience they can’t wait to let the mask slip in private.

Stop them how? The only thing that stops them is total and utter defeat on more than just an electoral level.

I know people accuse me of edgelording, but I’m just tired and cynical because I have over two decades of thinking seriously about these things.

I’m not saying they are unstoppable, but I am saying they can’t be stopped if people don’t adopt a wartime mentality that views them as an existential threat. And I’m not advocating for any specific measures against them, but I’m saying we can’t win if we prioritize order above all else. The eDems’ biggest flaw is an aversion to chaos that won’t let them consider anything that rocks the boat too much.

If it helps, I always thought you were just toning down the edgelording while everyone else thought you were just trying to be provocative.

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218 representatives, 50+1 senators, and 1 president who support nuking the filibuster, packing the court, codifying Roe and all of our other rights under threat, statehood for DC/PR, etc, etc, etc.

Until then, blue states standing up and saying fuck you, no.

And if there’s a hell of a lot of broken glass mixed in there in the mean time, so be it.

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I can’t help but think of this as a naive and idealistic view.

Democracy is under attack because it can only really function if there is super-majority support for the democratic process so that people accept the consequences of losing elections. Winning elections and passing favorable laws is not enough. One side needs total victory followed by reconstruction of the losing side, with a willingness to harshly put down the inevitable resistance.

This thing gets me every single time. I read the tweet, go wtf, and then look at the account name.


I often use the line

Obviously made up in the 20th century (Scientology).

Obviously made up in the 19th century (LDS).

What make you think the first century was any fucking different?

Do we need a separate abortion politics thread?


(This post was intended to reply to Commonwealth)