The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


took an uber home from the airport tonight, driver was a 50-ish good ol boy, conversation was about how “you always gotta be paying attention” referencing a few random shootings on the local interstate a couple of months ago etc. About halfway home he mentions “Uber has a policy, you can’t carry while driving, but I got news for them, you gotta protect yourself.”

anyway, five stars, good tip. dude knows where I live after all.


I was talking to a cute female driver once and I asked her about dealing with drunk assholes after the bar and asked if she is worried or carries anything. She pulled a knife with like a 5-6 inch blade from under her leg lmao.


drove for uber for awhile, shit can get scary real fucking quick man.

And did you pull yours out too?

Sorry thought this was the Letters to Penthouse thread

LOL. No I don’t carry anything going out to restaurants or bars.

But on the subject of knives, last time I flew I had my EDC on from doing some work and forgot I still had it until I was tossing my shit in the plastic bin at security. I handed the knife to the guards and told them they could keep it and they asked if I wanted to run outside. I uber’d bro. They didn’t do any anal cavity searches thank god.

Started typing before the Penthouse edit.

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Maybe if I said “whip” instead of pull.

great! voting can be done without registration!


A real-life example of the consequences of abortion restrictions:

  1. Polish parliament removes medical indication as justification for abortions
  2. Polish supreme court upholds the removal
  3. Young woman is pregnant with unviable fetus
  4. doctors refuse to abort citing new law, stabilize her instead
  5. fetus dies, doctors can‘t remove fetus before septic shock sets in
  6. woman dies

Yea some huge amount of pregnancies end in miscarriage and we don’t really talk about it or what it actually means in school. So you end up with a bunch of lawmakers that don’t ever think about it while making laws, harming women everywhere.

poland has had a back and forth on access to abortions almost as much as usa. i don’t quite get why the ruling party keeps pursuing the ban, since a huge number of women in poland are willing to protest en masse against them. but i guess they are just working to polarize and justify an authoritarian government.

it’s not that they are unaware, it’s that they don’t fucking care, with a side of “they actually want it that way” thrown in

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Yeah, there are the same amount of miscarriages in France and Canada and Germany and for some reason they aren’t making these laws every few months.

Abortion laws in Germany are much more restrictive than in the US.


Remember when the consensus shitlib opinion was “they’ll never overturn Roe, the backlash?”

Cause they’re gonna nuke Roe today and absolutely nothing will happen.

Well tbf they won’t nuke it until sometime in June 2022, but other than that I’d say you’re correct. There will be a bunch of coverage when they do it and then after one, maybe two news cycles it’ll go down the memory hole and the Rs will win a landslide in November.

Reminder: the Mississippi case is streamed live starting at 10am in case you want your brain to melt in real time.

A lot of otherwise intelligent people had this take and it was always pants-on-head stupid. They’ve spent 30 years gaming the court system to get to this day. Mitch went to the wall to get Kavanaugh on the bench.