The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

This seems likely.

Today we find out if SCOTUS will let every American carry a gun in public without any restrictions.

This one feels like a ā€œlets show we arenā€™t ideological by maybe not letting literally anyone march down the street with an AR-15,ā€ but I wonā€™t be shocked either way.

Too lazy to look this up but it honestly wouldnā€™t surprise me if itā€™s already totally legal to carry an AR-15 around your local Kroger here in Ohio. Maybe you have to take some training class and pay for a license.

Iā€™m guessing itā€™s this.

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Despite living in the Midwest for many years, the only time Iā€™ve actually seen anyone open carry a gun was in an Indiana grocery store many years ago. I got the heck out as fast as I could, absolutely mental shit.


yes, no problem just shooting dead the player on your favorite baseball team when he strikes out

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With all the fight videos in stands lately the shootouts are gonna be lit.


Iā€™ve wasted so much time recently listening to SCOTUS arguments and CDC meetings, and Iā€™ve got to get some work done. So Iā€™m trying very hard not to get drawn into todayā€™s case.

BUT, what the hell is the notion of a ā€œsensitiveā€ place in the context of guns? Are there ā€œnon-sensitiveā€ places where (I guess because everyone is wearing bullet-proof armor) there arenā€™t likely to be injuries?


Itā€™s where there are drunk angry dudes, is my non-joking answer.

But also schools, apparently.

Also, Kagan comes off the top rope to slam Chicago.

Part of me is not super concerned about this issue. There are quite a few states including AZ that have had liberal open carry (and concealed carry) laws for a long time and itā€™s still just not something thatā€™s common. I can probably count the number of open carry pistols Iā€™ve seen in the past 20 years on 2 hands. There are definitely a lot of concealed weapons you donā€™t see though.

Although it seems insane not to restrict guns at sporting events and concerts etc., I just looked it up and guns have been legal in bars here for at least 10 years and I donā€™t think itā€™s resulted in a lot of incidents that people feared in the beginning. :man_shrugging:

This is a fair point, but weā€™re also entering a decade that will be characterized by roaming gangs of paranoid QAnon conservatives sprinkled with angry white supremacists that think every liberal/black person/brown person is an existential threat. This is the worst possible time to enable widespread carrying of guns in public places, so of course that is exactly what the SC will do.


Yeah good point. I was actually also going to say maybe this all gets much worse going forward as we descend into chaos and fascism over the next few years but I donā€™t want to think about it. :pensive:

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Even in Arizona 99.9% of people understand that itā€™s completely insane to carry a firearm while walking around town, but ofc our politics is laser-focused on catering to this idiocy.

Private property should be able to ban conceal and carry. But no bans in public places. No guns in stadiums. Guns in courtrooms.

Slippery slope! If we let those evil bureaucrats protect us from guns, the next thing you know they will try to immunize us from a deadly global virus. THIS IS THE FUTURE LIBERALS WANT!!! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!