The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I more or less proposed this when the decision first came down. It turns out the execution is harder than it sounds in theory.

The woman should sue the dr and vice versa

One of the problems that was pointed out to me by someone (?bigoldnit) is that the law puts anyone who assisted in anyway in jeopardy and it is hard to identify all of those people.

You have the doctor, of course. Also obvious is the person who drives her there or picks her up. But what about the receptionist, nurse, medical assistant, etc. How about the person who sterilizes their instruments? How about the person who updates the clinic website. If anyone gave/loaned the patient money for the procedure, then that person is also at risk.

Itā€™s true that with meticulous planning one could minimize the number of people who could be perceived to have assisted in anyway, and then file preemptive suits against just those people, but itā€™s not trivial. And itā€™s probably much easier to just drive to Oklahoma than it is to go through all of that. And itā€™s possible that even someone helping a woman get to OK for an abortion may be at risk (I donā€™t think they are, but Iā€™m not certain).

Also with respect to the ā€œvice versaā€ part, there is no reason to sue the woman. She is at no risk from this law. Only people who help her are.

I feel like if weā€™re nitting the law about how to gunk up the system so it doesnā€™t operate properly, weā€™ve already lost.

Nearly all abortion providers have ceased to function in Texas. Itā€™s expanding to other states rapidly. The only thing left is whether the law is unconstitutional on its substance (ie Roe gets overturned).

After that, the drive will be towards banning abortion more broadly: Team Abortion is Murder will obviously not be happy with states getting to determine their own abortion laws. They know this is a generational fight, which suits them perfectly.

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Seems like there are three possible rulings. One, the whole law is tossed. Two, the whole law stands. Three, the bounty enforcement is tossed, but Roe is overturned.

Given this shocking development, Breyer should be expected to announce his immediate resignation, right? RIGHT??

Not to mention an immediate recall and pulping all copies of his stupid book, plus a retraction and apology for every interview heā€™s done in the past month.

They gave him nearly 15 minutes on the Newshour last night and I just couldnā€™t watch it.:fu:

No see because then Breyer would be politicizing the court, which is bad because argle bargle. Itā€™s perfectly fine if politicians politicize the court.

Good article on the justices being ā€œnon partisanā€

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Morning Joe reports Kavanaugh pozzed. He was vaccinated in January. Is it wrong to believe in the occasional devastating breakthrough infection?


Came to post this:


i also would have accepted breyer.


He has no symptoms and ran a 3-mile race two days ago. Somewhat disappointing.

I read in a separate story he was ā€œfully vaccinated since Januaryā€. Seems like that means the Justices, even young and healthy ones, got to jump to the front of the line. Which is fine I guess.

But I wonder if more anti-vax boneheads will be inspired by this knowledge (ā€œIf Kav did it in January, it must be safe and effective!ā€) vs. being disappointed (ā€œI thought Kav was one of us, but heā€™s just another brainwashed sheeple!ā€).

Sure, but Breyer is still in 7th place as far as thatā€™s concerned.

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Watching the PBS documentary on Ali. Itā€™s mentioned in passing that Thurgood Marshall ā€œhad toā€ recuse himself from the Ali decision because he had worked for the Justice department during the original case.

LOL at this ever happening today from the likes of Gorsuch or Kavenaugh or Barrett (much less without any fight or even pushback). Itā€™s just how it was done back then and challenging those norms was unthinkable.



lmao how can you be this fucking out of touch. Even the boomer shitlibs in congress arenā€™t this bad.

Like maybe Cinemaā€™s truly believes in her positions if people out there like Bryer really fucking exist. If he was in congress we would all be assuming heā€™s aiming for a lobby or VP spot in a big pharma company.

Iā€™d love to have a private debate with Bryer. Iā€™m super curious how he would respond to the mountains of evidence showing his beliefs are bullshit

He wouldnā€™t you peon.

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I think the point is that he is probably literally never confronted with any of the facts. He lives in a comfortable bubble in an ivory tower.