The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I get the impulse to want to do this, but I think it’s a long-term mistake to just start ignoring Supreme Court decisions. It’s hard to put that genie back in the bottle or contain it’s effects to just one decision, imo. I don’t think it would bode well for the rule of law in the medium to long term.

The repubes depend on The Dems taking an inch so that they can take a mile in return. They stalled so much that Reid bypassed the filibuster then Mitch blew a hole in

Asymmetric warfare. The Dems are not prepared to go big.

Yeah, I get that, too. I’m just not sure the solution to asymmetric warfare in this realm is to join them in undermining the rule of law.

The rule of law has already been undermined

Do you see Supreme Court justice garland

How many subpoenas did they R show up for

Fuck them all.

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Even if the D’s didn’t take that inch, the R’s would have still taken the mile. Just look at Kavanauh and ACB, they got there way both times and justified it by the fact tthe D’s opposed them taking their first mile, so now they got to take another mile.

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Btw having a license to broadcast is one of the definitions of a media corporation, what is a media corporation but a corporation who broadcasts? The point is that by government decree, some entities can broadcast radio signals and some can’t.

iirc one of the big problems with Citizen’s United was that the ability of all corporations to spend without limit wasn’t even the question before the court.

Also overturning laws on constitutional grounds should require some higher threshold than just identifying some tortured logic to make an argument on a case, esp if that wasn’t really even about the thing you are ruling on. I mean, Congress is empowered by the constitution to make laws and is also aware of the constitution. Overturning legislation passed by congress and signed by the president should be a pretty damn big deal; basically the court is saying that they stepped way out of line.

The fact that we live in this era where gutting the voting rights act is seen a defensible decision that reasonable people can disagree on is to me fantastic evidence that WAAF.

disclaimer: not remotely a lawbro

On brand.

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Pretty wild that they’re just letting their freak flag fly. Just insane fascist takeover. I think this is a good thing for us if we can ever get our fucking shit together and get the trifecta with a decent advantage in the senate. Roberts playing the court like a fiddle and making people think its actually a reasonable non political body would be very bad.

The five justices just going wild is going to suck ass short term, but hopefully will give us political capital to eventually pack the court after enough awful rulings.

Having them overturn Roe would probably have the biggest effect. The long-term play might be to try and bait them into doing so.

Yeah that’s not going to work.

Anything short of overturning Roe, possibly in conjunction with also invalidating Obamacare, probably won’t supply the political capital to pack the court.

This is a pretty bad idea as it might work to allow a restructuring of the court but will for sure lead to unmeasurable suffering on behalf of millions of women, mostly from the lowest and most disinfranchised parts of society.

Plus they will never in a million years actually overturn Roe. And those women already can’t get an abortion easily if they live in a red state.

What if you were given a choice between saving Roe or Obamacare and you can only pick one?

That is a really tough question. I don’t know how I would answer to be honest.

What? Why wouldn’t they? There must be a very good chance abortion as a right is gone in 2021 and thrown to the states.

Highly doubtful as it’s far better for them to just let’s states chip away as they have been doing.

The idea is it’s better to do what they do now and just chip away at the rights so much so that its nearly impossible but you don’t get the political backlash.

Like in KY there is only 1 place to get an abortion and its fucking hellish. I saw a video where they have to walk the women up covered so they can’t see their identity and there are dozens of insane religious zealots screaming at them calling them whores and baby murderers etc.

but like I was saying I’m not so sure these people plan on playing politics with Roberts, Kav might to a certain degree but he’s the only one.

just need to get Amy from Veep to escort them

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