The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything


And not like Secretary of the Interior or something. A literal cabinet.


Um maybe don’t use the power of your party to nominate 85 year olds?

I think this is a really awesome idea. It’s a shame that if we win, its Biden going in. This is something I can see a younger candidate doing.

Thankfully we have the one person who hates war crimes to be on defense!


We’re talking a literally cabinet I hope?

Fucking pony


This makes no sense. Go sit in the corner

That’s possible. I will face the two walls as you command.

Read the Afghanistan Papers while you’re there

There’s a zero percent chance I will do that. Just let me look at the walls like you initially commanded.

Other than you taking the wedding comment too literally, I agree with everything you posted. I think 99% of the posters on this forum agree with your ideas in this post.

What should have been done differently? Are we comparing America to all past civilizations or are we comparing ourselves to other super powers and countries in the post WW1 era?

Once Britain tore up the deals made with Arab allies following the Great War much of what is playing out was inevitable. Posting bullet points about the Obama presidency and “dunking” on posters cheapens the discussion of an amazingly complex situation. I also believe it’s a reflection of someone who cares but not enough to actually do anything about it. Demonizing individual leaders and message board posters alleviates the part of oneself that feels the need to take action.

When I post online defending war crimes and jerk off to the amazing complexity of bombing the Middle East, that is me being wise and smart and doing good things for the world, it implies that I am doing things outside of posting to end war.

When you post online about how Obama didn’t have to bomb people, you’re just like a religious cult leader and I can infer that you are doing absolutely nothing other than posting to change the world

I am the war crimes defender and I have logged on


Quite frankly, the people defending Obama are just ignorant of what Obama actually did and how personally he took his role as executor-in-chief. Their foundational belief is that the world sucks and the powerful US president just has to make tough, brutal decisions.

Just “doing your job” doesn’t make it okay, especially when someone is as powerful as the president and actually has opportunities to make a difference.

But, even if the US president is forced into awful decisions by the nature of his role, instead of defending Obama, you should be calling for revolution. I think @MysteryConman posted something to the effect of Obama was a monster and also the best president we are likely to see. That is an indictment of the whole thing, not an excuse for hand-wringing, lamenting, and sighing “Ah, well, and so it is” and then actually defending the scumbag at the top of this nonsense!

I’ll post it again for people who have forgotten that Obama was a murderer. Relevant war criminal discussion starts at 7:37, discussion of Obama’s personal responsibility around 10:30, conclusion at 22:00.


I think it’s my post that you’re thinking of, and hey if you’re actually proposing the solution is violent revolution, ok. I’m honestly not sure how you’re still alive then. Otherwise I’m open to hearing what solutions you’re proposing.

No one here is unaware of how bad all of our Presidents have been.

Something Biden said last night sticks out in this discussion, we’re a nation of indigenous people, slaves, and the rest of us are the immigrants. So if you’re living in this country you are most likely the descendant of the indigenous people who were almost wiped out in a genocide, of slaves, or of some really evil people who immigrated here to murder a bunch of people and own slaves. We are a country founded on evil principles as is the case everywhere because for most of human history evil won and violence won.


I don’t get it…Frontbutt embraced Obama, it cost him the nomination. Lindsay embraces Fossilestein, underpants gnomes Harrison is toast?

Democrats loooooooove bipartisanship, Republicans not so much.

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Right so how was that hug good for Graham?

I guess in this case the underpants gnomes would be just enough conservative Democrats in SC who were planning on voting for Harrison that were won over by Lindsey being such a nice person to throw the race.

Ah sorry, you both have the yellow M.

Not proposing solutions but of course resistance takes many forms not merely violent. Violent revolution against a dude willing to drone your wedding is certainly a tough task. Just attacking the logic of the Obama defenders.

Either Obama is personally responsible for the murders or he is not and it’s systemic and if it’s the latter the solution is pushing for systemic change because they, not us, are doing the murdering. The solution is not to defend Obama on some weak ass bullshit because you like the cut of his jib. Which is the actual reason Obama defenders love him. West Wing Derangement Syndrome.


I guess it’s not completely apples/apples comparison since one was a primary. I just don’t see how it gets people who weren’t already voting for him to vote for him though. He’s a pretty shameless flipflopper wrt Trump so that’s pretty much how he’s gonna be judged for better or worse I think.