The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

lol no doubt, I’m not watching one minute of this farce and neither should any of you. And frankly every fking Dem Senator should be boycotting it.

I had to check-in just to see the next Darwin award

If they won’t boycott then the Dems shouldn’t ask a single question. Just use all their time to make direct Trump quotes.

“I moved on her like a bitch. When you’re a celebrity, they let you do it.”

“Nasty woman.”

“I yield my time to the gentle lady from California.”


ACB Opening statement is just starting

Edit: Lasted 2 mins myself, see if anyone of you peeps can go longer :roll_eyes:

I wonder if anyone will ask her if she intends to serve on the court until she dies, or whether she’s going to retire at a certain age, and what age that would be. I’d also ask if she indeed intends to retire at some point, would she attempt to time it based on whether a Republican President and a Republican Senate is in office?

So 40 years from now we can get her for lying, and she says she wasn’t lying she just decided recently, and we say ok



There’s actually no way her future actions will contradict her answer unless she says she will retire at X age, which of course she won’t. And it’s not even reasonable to expect her to say that, what fortysomething knows when they will decide to stop working? If she says of course it won’t matter if it’s a republican or democrat, I’ll retire when it’s time for me to retire. If she retires when there’s a republican then that doesn’t actually show anything. Sometimes Republicans are elected, and, well, in this case that period of time just happened to be when it was time for ACB to retire. Just a coincidence imo. And then if she dies in office I guess people can be aha you worked until you died, but, uh, sometimes people die, it’s a thing that happens.

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Well…there’s always a chance she’ll say she plans to retire at 65. How would Republicans like her then?

I mean apparently Supreme Court Judge is a pretty sweet job as everyone wants to be one and they never leave. If it was a drag then people would be all look I don’t care who interprets the supreme law of the land I just need to get out of this hellhole and go get paid a gazillion dollars per year at a fancy law firm. Instead everyone works there until they’re like 93 years old, must be pretty great.

I think if we’re going to be forced to hear all about her family and her education and the people who influenced her life, its fair to ask if she’s thought about her retirement. Doesn’t she want to spend time with the family she loves so much in her retirement years? Or does she want to work until she dies? I get that its a fun gig, but still…how many of us really want to work until we die? And I think most of us consider at a relatively early age…when we want to hang it up.

Lol GG - stanning for ACB - what an utter fraud you’ve turned into



Sadly, I know what I would love: a highly prestigious sinecure that is both extremely consequential and involves little actual work. Ideally I would have a team of say four highly motivated, genius peons to do the required work, rotate them through every year or two so they don’t get burned out. Ideally this position would have good job security as job searching is a real drag.


I can’t wait to go to a presidential candidate rally and chant AOC! AOC! AOC!

I’m ready to go full populist demagogue for AOC. Fuck it let’s go!


GG has always been a fraud though.


Glenn Greenwald is a fraud. Glenn Greenwald has always been a fraud.


She really is fucking amazing in these things.


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