The Supreme Court, Part 2: When the president does it that means that it is not illegal

As far as I know this is the first time Thurn und Taxis has been relevant since Thomas Pynchon wrote The Crying of Lot 49 in 1965.

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Thurn und Taxis is a pretty good board game.

The corruption will never end

She’s gonna make a smashing SCOTUS justice


Grunch. I would have expected that Alaska man to be threatening 3 judges instead of 6.

He did throw in homophobic slurs for good measure.

Of course the small government clowns are going to rule that the police can just hold your property until they get around to giving the property a hearing

A divided Supreme Court ruled Thursday that authorities do not have to provide a quick hearing when they seize cars and other property used in drug crimes, even when the property belongs to so-called innocent owners.

By a 6-3 vote, the justices rejected the claims of two Alabama women who had to wait more than a year for their cars to be returned. Police had stopped the cars when they were being driven by other people and, after finding drugs, seized the vehicles.

Even MAGA dipshits can’t be on board with this, can they?

Never mind. I know.

Oh they’ll just say that those people should choose better company.


Leopards are gonna eat the shit out of those faces.

They will probably blame Biden because he was President when it happened.

Those people

Richmond PD still hasn’t given back cell phones they confiscated from protestors in 2020

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Forfeiture is such a horrible concept.