THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

When November rolls around and coronavirus is a distant memory and “only” 1,000 people or whatever died, Trump will be running on his handling of it.

Are people here actually not going to vote for Biden? The supreme court, etc. That seems like a really bad choice.


FYI per PBS Tulsi will not be in next debate despite getting a delegate from American Samoa.

I guess Biden doing better against Bernie than HRC in some states (MN) is a sign that Biden might do better against Trump than HRC did in some important states. And I guess Biden being a shitty person, a shitty candidate, and almost incoherent at times isn’t really any indication that he can’t become President of the United States.


Biden can’t even form a sentence.

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Bernie speaking right now in Vermont

Tommy Tuberville and Jeff Sessions in a virtual tie, 20% in. Roy Moore a distant fourth.

Jones probably drawing slim against both obv, probably rooting for Tuberville.

Edit: now 24% in, Sessions up a point.

anybody voting for liz after tonight deserves a stern talking-to

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MN really disappointing :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Bernie is a bad liar

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Pretty disappointed in my own state tonight. A Warren win would be fine. Biden is most definitely not.

Doesn’t make sense really, Warren doesn’t add anything. Educated liberals are already going to come out in force against Trump. My one positive thought thought today is that maybe Biden will be able to get Michelle Obama on the ticket, which would be close to unbeatable.

Yeah if only 1000 people die you’ll be right. That’s at best a one outer level good outcome right now though. Over under is probably 50k dead by the election.

I can’t take anymore. Hopefully i’ll wake up in 8 hours with Bernie crushing Texas/California and my shortness of breath gone so I can stop worrying that I have Coronavirus.


as far as i know, the dnc has not released criteria for the next debate. Would be kind of stupid for them to announce thresholds in the middle of the night’s counting, but it’s the DNC.

But pretty safe to say you should need more than say, 25 delegates to be included.

He’s just playing the hits. Healthcare, student loans, taking on corporations, climate change, opposition to wars.

Almost took a shot at the political establishment. Reiterated that his campaign is the best chance to beat Trump. “What we need is new politics that bring working class people and young people into our movement.”

Contrasting himself to Biden pretty strongly now (though not calling Biden out by name, just “another candidate”). War in Iraq, social security cuts, trade agreements, bankruptcy bill.

So starting tomorrow, Bloomberg will be funding Biden.


Michelle Obama isn’t going to lower herself to be VP. She will run for the presidency instead, but the Obamas are very fucking rich at this point so it seems unlikely.