THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

It borders the USA.


That’s not easy on this site, and you know it. You said you will vote for him if he wins the popular vote but not if it’s handed to him at convention. Fair?

Yes. Kind of pisses me off too because my grandfather was born there and I have a lot of distant relatives there but when I looked into trying to move there it was basically, lol no.

It’s actually incredibly easy. Click my avatar and it’ll show you all the posts I’ve made itt.

Jesus fucking christ. I take this as you denying my paraphrase of your position?

I’m never voting for Biden. I’ll own and defend it. I don’t think enabling the Washington Generals is a good long term plan.


That’s what you said. I asked you to quote the post where I said I’d literally never vote for Joe Biden. You can’t do that, because you’re lying a la Clovis. Don’t lie, it’s bad.

And if you want to call voting for the guy with the most delegates a caveat uhhh ok I’m not going to argue with you on that one

Please don’t talk to me anymore.

Ignore function works very well :v:

I think we’re on the same page in CA. Obv gonna vote down ballot but gonna write in Bernie for Pres. As I said yesterday fuck trying to run up the popular vote score for these fucking clowns. They would absolutely 100% would’ve taken the popular vote away from Bernie and given the nom to someone else if he has a plurality but not a majority.

I would vote Joe in a swing state but this party disgusts me.


Yeah. I agree. I will probably vote Biden only as a favor to the people like master3000 and jmakin who are so adamant about it, but I won’t pretend to like it. And I might have said I’d do it, though I don’t remember for sure.

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I think talk of not voting for Biden in the general is pretty silly, I acknowledge that choosing the lesser of two evils has had bad outcomes, but it doesn’t follow from that that doing the opposite is going to be better. I think in the long term, young people are overwhelmingly in favour of social democracy, and the US will head in that direction. These changes can happen quite rapidly, as we’ve seen with attitudes to LGBT issues over the last couple decades. I don’t think there’s any reason that can’t happen with social democratic policy.

2016 was the first ever, fairly half hearted attempt at a Bernie type candidate; the probable failure of another effort in 2020 is pretty poor justification for throwing up your hands and declaring electoral politics hopeless. One piece of good news out of this cycle is that Steyer and Bloomberg demonstrated that it is not true that you can simply buy elections, and I think it’s becoming less true over time. We’ve talked before about how the next generation are a bit savvier than olds about not buying bullshit and ignoring people who argue in bad faith.

I’d argue for voting for Biden not because it achieves anything positive at all, but simply because it averts further erosion of institutions under Trump. In the long run there still needs to be an insurgent takeover of the Democratic Party. It might be true that this is all just too slow and that we’re now doomed to climate change or whatever, but again, I don’t see how refusing to vote for Biden helps. If you think not voting him is sending some sort of “message” to the DNC and they’re going to be like “oh OK we’ve seen the light, we’d better accede to the demands of the left” then lol. Iron Law of Institutions, they aren’t going to change, they ultimately have to be defeated. Voting for Biden is attempting to preserve the machinery by which they can be defeated. If in your opinion that’s hopeless, then OK, but what if you’re wrong? Unless you have any better ideas, not voting for him just seems like empty tantrum-throwing to me.

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You know it doesn’t matter in like 43 states.

Oh sure. I should clarify I’m talking about places it has any chance of mattering. I also think people should all vote downballot, but yeah, I’d leave President blank in California.

Riverman is in Ohio, although I guess under any scenario where Ohio is close, Biden has probably already won.

I’ve spent my whole life falling for highly logical arguments like the one presented above, inevitably rooted in practicality and incrementalism.

The results speak for themselves.


Anyone wanna help me get into some kind of skilled job in CA so I actually have a chance to emigrate before the camps start? I’m mildly intelligent and have a good work ethic! :(

Logic is the worst.

All of this assumes we will still have some sort of functioning democracy in future election cycles. It is not hyperbolic at all to suggest we may not.

We barely have one now. lol @ having to wait two hours to vote, gjge America

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Normally when I have voted here in Canada it’s been less than 15 min but a couple times I’ve waited more than an hour and a half.

Not sure this would be a main sign of your failing democracy.