The Raid (on Rebekah Jones's home)

To flesh out the IP address stuff a bit more, while it’s easy to spoof an IP address, any reply to anything you send will not be routed back to you, so anything requiring a handshake process, which typically includes login procedures, will not work. I could imagine circumstances where you could send a message like this with a spoofed IP but it seems like an unreasonable objection to the warrant to me.

Kind of hope it does turn out this is some sort of state persecution because it will be the dumbest continuation to the story possible and that’s what this story deserves.

The affidavit requested seizure of basically anything that can transmit or store data including modems and routers (in addition to other stuff like VHS tapes).

Jones has filed suit against FDLE for the raid, alleging violation of her constitutional rights.

The news coverage certainly seems to be buying her side and making her a cause Celebre along with some civil liberty types. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.

Yeah I was thinking about it, this story hits so many pleasure centres in the liberal brain, like plucky young girlboss stands up for COVID sanity and for SCIENCE against the jackbooted goons of a Republican administration. If you were trying to craft a COVID story to appeal to liberals that’s exactly what you’d come up with. I don’t like Greenwald but he is not wrong that the function of most media in the US, including 100% of cable news, is to tell their audiences what they want to hear. Liberal audiences will accept less out and out bullshit than conservative so the liberal media have to stick to the facts a bit more, but fundamentally they’re still crafting stories to appeal to their audience. So they are definitely never questioning this story unless they absolutely have to, it’s perfect for them.

I haven’t actually seen the suit but maybe she has a case on Fourth Amendment grounds if the warrant really is overbroad. I’ve seen a few knowledgeable people claim it was, I’m just going off that as I have no clue what standard procedure is in these sort of cases.

My sister works for a state health department and apparently they’ve been circulating her 350 page online memoir between state health departments and everyone agrees that this lady is a complete lunatic. And that it’s absurd to think that even a red state health department could fire someone for political reasons during covid. Even in red states the line health department workers are all left. If it was a political firing the state health department would leak like a sieve.

The original goal for Rebekah’s GoFundMe for “legal expenses” was $150,000, but she blasted past that so she promptly reset the target to $500,000. Currently sitting at just shy of a quarter million. Between that and her original GoFundMe she has now raised more than half a million dollars.

She can be nuts, not competent, a grifter and she sent the message AND she can be factual that she was being asked to fudge data and DeSantis has crossed some serious lines in going after her.

What was she asked to fudge?

Her story:

“JONES: I was asked by DOH leadership to manually change numbers. This was a week before the reopening plan officially kicked off into phase one. I was asked to do the analysis and present the findings about which counties met the criteria for reopening. The criteria followed more or less the White House panel’s recommendations, but our epidemiology team also contributed to that as well. As soon as I presented the results, they were essentially the opposite of what they had anticipated. The whole day while we’re having this kind of back and forth changing this, not showing that, the plan was being printed and stapled right in front of me. So it was very clear at that point that the science behind the supposedly science-driven plan didn’t matter because the plan was already made.”


Okay but if you look at the state dashboard and her dashboard the numbers are almost exactly the same. So did Florida decide not to use these numbers that were being faked or is she contending that they changed them back to the right numbers to cover up the coverup?

I think the claim was made about earlier data in the spring.

It’s simply not the point.

She got fired (fact)
She made some claims (fact, Are they correct?who the fucks knows at this point)
She allegedly sent a message illegally (disputed)
A seemingly overkill raid got made (ymmv)
She is suing (fact)
She is raising money for legal defense and her dashboard project (legit or grift: you decide)


Do you think that a bunch of right wing Trump supporters work at the Florida health department? Totally absurd. I’ll bet 80% of the college grads at the health department voted for Biden.

Look I think she should sue about the police raid whether she is lying about the numbers or not.

It just seems like you think the excessive police raid proves that her claims are true which it doesn’t. Knowing what happened to these fake numbers shouldn’t be too hard to find out, if her data and the state department data are almost the same now then either the fake numbers were never used or the state went back in and changed them (feel like a little wayback machine action could probably show this). This kind of helps making a judgment on whether she is a grifter or not and whether she should be paid any attention.

I said what I said. Reading compression itt

At this point all else is irrelevant to the actions of the raid. It will all be litigated. Those that are full of shit will likely be exposed.

I’m not going to be surprised if RJ is found to be full of shit. Will you be surprised if DeSantis et al are full of shit?

Justification of the raid is the oddest ducking thing.

Who is justifying the raid? I literally said she should sue for the raid because it was excessive regardless of the reason they did the raid.

Your first post in this thread made it seem like the people that were disagreeing with you about her data were now proven wrong because of the raid which seems wrong. I was mostly curious of what her data showed different compared to the state data and if it caused them to change to more accurate data because of her work.

No the bolded is absurd looooool my god


The Orlando Sentinel is suing DeShitface right now because they can’t get numbers out of this fucking useless administration and you think it’s somehow above retaliation? Jesus tap dancing Christ you are naive af