The Professional Wrestling Thread

take a bow!

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This first hour has absolutely flown by.

Hellofa throw.

That throw was absurd. Jesus.

Not a fan of that kickout at all.

The four competitors did great. Booking was a C-.

This only goes until 10, right?

Usually unless they do their first overrun.

Goddammit, fulfill all your commercial obligations before the main event starts.

What an absolute delightful 2 hours of wrestling. I need a breath.

Yeah, very good show.

First hour was better than the second, but the whole show was great.

I used to DVR something (Jeopardy I think) that always caught the last ten seconds of a BBT episode.

This went on for 3 years or so.

I did not laugh a single time

AQA was someone who I heard some buzz about before she signed with NXT. I guess she had a few matches there, but I think I was starting to not watch the WWE product by then.

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I really hope we get this Penta with his teaser last night.

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A couple random thoughts since I finally got around to watching:

-Great episode, the open was incredible
-Glad they seem to be giving Deeb a megapush
-I think it was dumb to have Page do an unsuccessful Buckshot Lariat before tearing down the top rope. They could have built it up as an unstoppable finisher.
-In Kayfabe, it’s kinda lol that they sanctioned this match but not the Lights Out Match. This seemed more brutal.
-I’m glad they’re finally doing something with Adam Cole, but they haven’t built up to this at all. He’s pretty much been in goofy angles vs. midcarders his entire AEW run so it’s hard to buy him as a credible challenger.
-Seems like there’s a great new addition weekly, but damn, how the hell do you get them all TV time? People were already talking about the roster being bloated and they’ve added like a dozen more pretty big names.

archer was even more out of nowhere and less built up

aew has so many people that they throw in and out there’s only one or two builds for anything.

and tony is too nice to just cut people, he lets their deals run out

Yah, true about Archer, but at least he’s a monster so kinda looks the part. Cole has had very little build and is puny, so it’s really hard to buy that he’s any threat at all.

You classify living up to a contract as “too nice”?

for some of those guys yes it is, he signed them for three years at way way more money than they were worth and everyone knew it when he did it

that dude is not good at this business thing but he’s not resigning those guys at least