The Professional Wrestling Thread

you mean Miz instead of Maryse right

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WTF eliminating Nakamura this fast

Why is my tv showing the womens rumble?

thought he’d last several min longer but austin theory eliminates him

I didn’t get this at all either

Ummm. Johnny knoxville? The fuck?

he won an opportunity on smackdown

I ain’t explaining it

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You know, there are OTHER ways to elimjnate people outside of post elimination gloat/surprise

LOL of course they put the wrong name up for one-half of the black tag team.

This might be the least fun royal rumble ppv ive ever seen. And ive seen the 94 rumble, more than once.

I actually don’t think this has been that bad so far.

happy corbin wut


The entire ppv or this match?

Just this match.

PPV has been terrible.

Gimme ‘Taker as #30.

Yeah thats what I meant.

Who the hell is jacked Adam Sandler from Murder Mystery?

No idea who half these people are. Well maybe a third.

I recognize 4 of 6 in the ring right now but that level was a lot lower earlier

boogs is the first dude to military press someone and try to actually put them over the rope instead of just drop them

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Wrestling barefoot just seems like a bad idea