God dammit I hate shaky cam.
I wouldn’t have recognized kelly kelly before this rumble if she walked past me
wrestlers for no reason saving other wrestlers from getting eliminated
can you all stop doing that every year
wow what are the odds that person would come out right then and there
unreal luck of the draw
Lita looks great but very much moves like a 50 year old
so yeah
ugh–they’re really gonna have her do a match and she’s not in any wrestling shape to do that aren’t they
I dont see any storylines she would be involved in. I hope she doesnt compete anymore.
Lashley/Lesnar is going to be like 2 minutes long isnt it?
“Say the line, Ronda!”
Ronda: Sadly points at Wrestlemania sign
Women’s locker room: “YAAAAAAAAAAYYY”
That was not good.
It honestly looked like it was running at .5 speed
11 entrants from 18-28. Only one (Nikki) is on the active roster. That’s just stupid.
lol Royal Rumble is still a thing?
Oh, is Becky playing heel now?
Doudrop = Scotish
Becky = Irish
Ireland ∉ UK
Lol, being half Irish I should probably have known that
Jesus fucking christ right on her goddamn neck.
Never do that again Doudrop