The Professional Wrestling Thread

FTFY, pal.


I would pay an exorbitant (relative) amount of money to hear a HHH tell all.

Over/under 2 years before WWE is sold?


Hangman vs Danielson round 2 starting now.

Luchasaurus broke Rey Fenix’s arm, yikes.


I know jungle boy is nowhere near ready to be a solo act yet but luchasaurus doesn’t fit in AEW at all.

Released again a little under 9 months after his previous release.

Not surprised given that he only returned after the first release because Triple H intervened.

He’s going to come back to work from his coronary and be all


HHH gonna be released by the end of the year.

HHH is ALL ELITE is gonna be amazing

That was nasty. Looked like his arm bent almost 180 degrees in the wrong direction.

That spot was just weird, not sure what they were going for. Luchasaurus basically jumped onto the table himself leaving not much space to drop Rey. Some blame prob has to go on Rey though, I don’t think you can put your arm out like that to break falls, it’s just asking for trouble.

I was wondering if it was an improvised finish and they changed it on the fly to put the belts on JE, but then we saw Jungle Boy’s family in the crowd so it seemed planned.

I guess we’ll get the Penta singles run people have been clamoring for. Really sucks for Rey though.

Oh, and Jade is awful. Not looking forward to her title run of squashes and mediocre matches. Great look, but needed another year or 2 in the ring to improve before a title imo.

It was only a dislocation somehow. Should be back in a few weeks.

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Looks like tomorrow’s “Battle of the Belts” is only going to have one championship match. Maybe they’ll have JE defend the tag titles.

AEW should have a Universal Studios championship that gets defended on Dark.

I gotta say…

Not in love with the MK fighter profiles on these promo shots

Is Battle of the Belts just an hour show w/2 matches? JE would make sense if Cody/Sammy can’t go.

Can’t do much else. Hangman’s prob gonna take a bit of time off and lol at Jade going 20-30 minutes.

And make it a 24/7 belt.

I think they’ve found the perfect balance with belts as is. 2 is perfect for the men’s division, although tbh, I’m not convinced yet the women’s division is deep enough to warrant 2 belts. I think what they should have done is made the TBS belt like an IC type belt for great workers like Shida, Riho, and Deeb, and leave the main belt for the big personalities like Baker, Nyla, and Jade.

What sucks now is that Baker is average at best imo and Jade is terrible so you’re never gonna see a great women’s title match. I’m much more interested in Shida-Deeb than Baker-Riho or Jade-Ruby.

wwe’s been more open (liger in NXT was bizarre) but this is new, not only someone in another company but also acknowledging that company exists and also it’s their champion

WWE almost never acknowledges other wrestling companies exist

also she was the one they put all her stuff in a garbage bag and threw into a box when they fired her

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also apparently in the ladies rumble

summer rae (who works in crypto now)
bella twins
michelle mccool
kelly kelly

rewarding all the current and talented hard workers on this major ppv I see and totally not people who’ve been gone for years