The Professional Wrestling Thread

Agreed. I thought it was an odd move only a year after moving Smackdown to Fox

FOX’s deal has to be up soon so that does make some sense, but I don’t see anyone putting raw/smackdown on a streaming service. rasslin still gets better ratings on cable than a lot of shows there do. NXT tho…

So Netflix #1 of course, even if they might not deserve it right now, they were the OG. Amazon #2 just because it comes with Amazon Prime. Chinese streaming at 3 and 4 which I didn’t see. Not surprised Disney+ is next, but kind of surprised at the margin. But I guess parents looking for a streaming service.

But after that kind of surprised HBO, Peacock, Hulu, Paramount+, and Apple+ are really close.

Yeah I bet they would still keep it on cable. But replays would fully be on Peacock

Del Wilkes just passed away. He was The Patriot. I remember him from watch GWF on ESPN. Then he popped up in WCW, teaming with Marcus Bagwell as Stars and Stripes. Eventually, he went to WWF, where he had a short feud with anti-American Bret Hart.

Patriot vs Dark Patriot in GWF was a feud that some booker should copy somewhere.

Jesus, another dead before 60.

He’s probably more famous these days for his entrance theme when he was The Patriot.

WWF would recycle that theme in 1999 for Kurt Angle.

Fucking third sign of the apocalypse right there

I’ve now caught up on AEW after not watching while I was in Vegas.

I’m into Adam Page’s Anxious Millennial Cowboy act and am curious if his character is not just afraid to fail but also afraid to succeed. It seems like he was being positioned for a long-term feud with Brodie Lee over the souls of the Dark Order and the combination of Lee’s death plus the pandemic took away the plans to bring him to a place where he could feud with Kenny Omega (or, as Jim Cornette calls him, Twinkletoes McFingerbang) over the title. His issue with Matt Hardy seemed like a sideline feud to keep him in the public eye while holding off on the money match with Omega.

Page-Omega seems like it has been the obvious plan since the genesis of AEW. Omega’s health sounds bad (he’s been working with a torn labrum since 2020) and he’s been gutting it out until AEW can go on the road and Page can get his coronation before a live PPV audience.

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I ordered my first pro wrestling shirt this past weekend:


Actually a good wrestling shirt. Nice one!

The key is that it works as a non-wrestling shirt.

One problem is Page doesn’t seem like he’s a main event talent, but **** it they got nothing else. Too bad the latest run of Omega is the only real good thing about the company lately.

Man I disagree so much with this post. Page just reeks of a main eventer. Awesome gimmick, fantastic worker, great story, elite theme song, crowd is all aboard.

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a sad drunk gimmick is awesome?

This Twitter thread sums it up better then I can. It breaks halfway through to click for the 2nd thread.

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Is the whole Brodie Lee’s son thing kayfabe or is that his irl son running the Dark Order in place of his dad?

It’s his real life son.

That is his actual son. The existence of Dark Order and the idea of someone running it is complete kayfabe.


I really want the future of AEW to include a Dark Order vs Hardy Front Office cinematic match at the Hardy compound that ends with -1 pinning Matt.