The Professional Wrestling Thread

Shane is a totally normal guy. Have stood behind him at a grocery store and been around him generally a few times. Bigger than youd think.

I just realized we will likely never hear No Chance in Hell again.

Just finished episode 5. I have to say, the one truly Vince moment was when they were talking about all the tasteless angles, and Steph says there were a couple she refused but really didn’t want to go into details, and then cut to Vince flat out saying, “Oh, yeah, I totally wanted to do an incest angle with my daughter.”

Looking at the roster pre WM1 and Hogan seems to be the only choice.After him it’s like Piper/Snuka/Tito if you had to chose. Maybe push Mania 1 back a year and just put the rocket on Savage?

Finished the series. It was fine. Not really sure who the audience was supposed to be. Biggest revelation for me was that apparently Steve Austin “doesn’t believe” in CTE?

It was nowhere near the “hit piece” that some were making it out to be. I honestly don’t even think it portrayed Vince that badly.

I think Slaughter was a major consideration.

There’s almost 0 point asking Vince anything about himself when he’s a less reliable narrator than Trump, or at least neck and neck with Trump.

Never was this more evident than when they asked him if the Mr. McMahon character had any relation to Vince himself and Vince replies, no not at all. Then they ask everyone else and 100% of them say anything ranging from “oh yah, it’s definitely Vince, just exaggerated in areas” to “oh yah, it’s 100% Vince”.

Based on his response to the rape allegation, he does share Trump’s willingness to confess to most of his crimes though.



Not a shock. He is BLUEtista

Happy to watch a wrestling documentary that didn’t involve Vince Russo fucking it all up.