The Professional Wrestling Thread

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I don’t suppose anyone here was into NWA Powerrr last year and is planning on watching the upcoming reboot of it? I’m leaning toward buying the PPV on Sunday.

Fuck, Britt Baker vs Thunder Rosa is why I watch wrestling.


Fastlane’s free on Peacock if you have Xfinity right now.

I did end up ordering the NWA PPV, and enjoyed it. For those unaware, NWA suddenly and tragically lost one of their wrestlers recently, Joseph Hudson, who last played a masked comedy character named The Question Mark who was hugely over and was paired on a team with Aron Stevens (fka Damien Sandow in WWE). Hudson left a young son behind. They gave Stevens the main event title shot at this PPV, and he did a great job in his promo work in transitioning to a serious character to match the occasion.

This was his promo from tonight’s show. Worth a watch IMO.


One of these I saw coming:

Lol wat

lol Great Khali was one of the worst HW champions of all-time. Guy could barely speak English.

But I guess being Indian and in the WWE is enough

A budding filmmaker friend of mine made a wrestling comedy. It hasn’t been released yet - COVID has delayed things - but thought I’d share the trailer here. He pretty much did it all himself with a couple friends. I think he may still be finishing up some of the soundtrack. I pitched in a few bucks to help fund it, but I don’t get anything financially out of it. I think I’m going to get a VHS copy of the movie as a reward (seriously).

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Boy, the production company logo comes super close to ripping off Amblin

Ha, I would guess that wasn’t an accident. I’m sure if he makes it big one day, he can change it.

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I assume they canned Mickie?

They had a purge recently. Biggest name was Samoa Joe.


I know it sounds crazy. Yuji Nagata is 53.


Sami doesnt seem long for the WWE