The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Such an amazing opportunity for Joe to start a round of Let’s Go Brandon cheers, how could he whiff on that.


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After the speech, Romney told CNN he criticized Santos for standing in the front aisle “trying to shake hands” with the president and senators “given the fact that he’s under ethics investigation.”

“He should be sitting in the back row and staying quiet instead of parading in front of the president and people coming into the room,” he said, noting that Santos may have responded to his remark but he “didn’t hear.”

Santos response:

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Everyone is saying this, but wouldn’t it be better to get the GOP to boo keeping SS and Medicare?

Fascinating thread about Joe interacting with Dem politicians after his speech.


I’m watching a replay err listening to it, while playing sudoku!

Either way, both assume the GOP experiences normal human shame over hypocrisy which is such a hilariously bad read at this point as to be inexcusable.

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yeah the 100s of “OMG MASTERCLASS biden got republicans to agree to not cut social security on NAT’L TV!!11!!1” is peak edem. like anyone is going to remember this or hold anyone to that is hilarious.

repubs could introduce the bill to gut both TOMORROW and no one would even blink an eye.


Someone said something nice about Joe Biden! THE RADICAL LEFTISTS CONTROL TWITTER!

It was a good speech

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I don’t think so. when the chips are down, they (some of them, at least) will still vote to kill SS and medicare and medicaid especially (since that’s just for poors), and now Brandon at least has something to point to, then you argue “let me tell you what else they’re lying about”

what (1)

Who does it better?

  • Mike Lee
  • Jags fan
0 voters

There’s zero value in pointing out that Republicans are liars, there is TREMENDOUS value in hammering away at pocketbook issues like SS and Medicaid. Just pound the table for an hour on how you’re going to defend SS and let the other side whine about Chinese balloons or transgender storytimes or whatever is today’s GOP plen-t-plaint.


I’m pessimistic about changing the hearts and minds of Republican voters, so the goal should be to mobilize Democratic voters by doing things like provoking Republican politicians into displays that can be used for propaganda.

There’s lots of “preaching to the choir” when eDems try this. Their core policy objectives conflict with the day to day concerns of potential Dem voters that are not already reliable Dem voters.

Dems should go after the potential Democratic voters who have the highest potential to become yellow dog Democrats.

Precisely 0.0% of GOP voters care about lying.

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