The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

problem is everyone would forget to vote


I’m voting for Biden if he can fix the international Topo Chico shortage, I haven’t been able to buy a case in months.

As some of us were saying in 2021, Biden needed to just bribe this motherfucker. Just needed to ask him where the bag needed to be dropped off to get his agenda through. Simple as that.

@boredsocial You were on that with me right?

haven’t had any issues in MN

Manchin was never really the problem though, it was Sinema. She got bribed by the Republicans before she could be bribed by the democrats.

The problem was the Democrats. They got bribed by the corporate interests before, during and after they got elected. Expecting them to actually do anything different than the corporate masters wanted and making scapegoats our of Manchin or Sinema when all evidence points to their always being a roadblock to accomplish literally anything is the problem.

We still have people here thinking voting harder will ever matter. It’s insane.


As a thought expirament let’s say the Dems get 60+ Senators this time somehow and even more house seats. What would you think they would accomplish as far as a progesssive agenda goes?

Then lets do the thought expirament of what a 6-3 Supreme Court would allow. Basically nothing right?

It’s over for our lifetimes. Enjoying our lives in the face of that fact and accepting it is a lot better than deluding ourselves than Fetterman vs. Oz will matter at all. We should just enjoy what we have left here to the extent we can and/or leave. There isn’t even a team left fighting for our side.

Obama, Biden, Clinton, Schumer, Pelosi and the others sold us down the river 10+ years ago to get their enjoyment at Martha’s Vinyard and the like. They are the real villains. They pretended to fight for us while selling us out at every opportunity. How much money have these fucks made on Raytheon stonks and the like. Expecting them to do literally anything good is never happening.


I will say this for Republicans - they don’t even pretend that they will actually help their base. Their explicit messages is “we will humiliate your cultural enemies in exchange for money.”




Yep this is basically where I’m at. Big sweat for me in the Pennsylvania governor’s race, if we lose that I’ll have to move to a different state within a couple years. Other than stuff like that locally it’s just a matter of accepting that this country fundamentally sucks and will probably fundamentally suck my whole life but hopefully in like 30-40 years we have a shot to win and leave our grandkids something better.

To be fair it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight. We just shouldn’t expect success. We shouldn’t base our personal happiness on each election of SC outcome because it’s hopeless.


I found some voters guide magazine for Kentucky. It was a questionnaire for all 6 congress races and the senate race. Every single R response was “did not respond”.

The whole story of America is basically awful people doing heinous shit to get power and money then using the money to launder their reputations. This is nothing new!

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That’s a bad tweet. The headline here is only 26% of Democrats want Biden to be the candidate in 2024, and only 44% even want him to run in the primary.

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How many of those people aren’t voting for him in a general election?

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Probably < 5% but it’s still a really bad number for an incumbent. I mean, if he gets a legit primary challenge that’s really bad for our chances of winning the 2024 election. Best case is he steps aside and lets someone else run IMO, second best is he runs unchallenged in the primary.

Me, but not sure how representative I am.

That scenario probably produces President McCarthy with a GOP trifecta before 2024.

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Honestly might be a better scenario than what we’re probably going to get.

I obviously don’t mean the assassination part. But it might be best if Biden/Harris both resign if they get slaughtered in the midterms.