The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Biden was never selecting this hypothetical person as his running mate in the 2020 election.

Wat. Warren was never coming within a million miles of the nomination. If it’s true that a progressive healthcare plan was such an important issue then why did Biden win? The reason Warren was crushing it in the polls early is that the only demographic who likes her is the sort of Twitter-left nerds who are the only people paying attention 18 months out from the primaries.

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I think he just lied. As a primary candidate I’m pretty sure he was suggesting to add a public option to Obamacare vs. Bernie who I think was just saying make Medicare universal. But that was back in the “I will make a deal with my buddy Mitch McConnell” days, so I think even whatever milquetoast corporate centrist public option that Biden had in mind (assuming he wasn’t outright lying) will never come to fruition anyway.

Hard to prescreen raw corruption. Sinema was fine on paper. Her public positions before she got elected to the Senate were pretty fucking progressive TBH.

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I dunno, I guess I haven’t done that deep a dive, but she sure seemed great when she was first elected, before she took office.

I don’t want to pile on, especially since others have done a damn good job of calling you out, but the fact that you also seem to ignore that Abrams has to deal with sexism and so (duh) is “running behind Warnock” is pretty sadlol.

Once upon a time, she was a member of the Green Party. She has a degree in social work. She’s relatively young. She’s openly bisexual and was advocating for LGBTQ+ issues before that became a mainstream issue within the Democratic Party. She opposed the war on terrorism from early days. That all reads as fairly progressive.

On the other hand, once she hit Congress, she was a member of the Blue Dog Dems and the Problem Solvers Caucus, so she clearly had some moderate inclinations [especially when it came to budgeting/spending stuff]

I think the variable that would have been hard to predict was knowing how willing she would be to play the maverick and use her leverage to kill proposed legislation. It’s really hard to know how willing someone is to take one for the team and be the 50th vote in favor of a bill they themselves don’t like until they’re actually in that position. I think Synema has used her leverage as part of a 50/50 Senate to modify or straight up kill bills more than I would have predicted when she got elected


I think it’s as simple as “got older, likes money.” She’s nakedly corrupt, her sole legislative priority has been shielding super rich people from taxes.

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This echoes something I said in another thread - when you have the ability to fight the 1%, they make it very easy for you to instead capitulate and help them and the reward is you get to be in the 10%. Sinema has just done what most lawyers and accountants and other professionals end up doing, she just did it with a magnifying glass on her because she’s a public figure so it’s more obviously evil and corrupt.

Nancy blatantly insider trading despite being worth 9 figures shows that greed knows no bounds.


Black voters overwhelmingly supported Clinton/Biden. Who is next in line? Obviously, the current black VP.

Unless Bernie was right and a woman couldn’t win in 2020 and that also applies to 2024 and beyond.

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It was important to anyone courting the progressive vote in the primary. I believe Warren was better positioned than Bernie because she was not a self-identified socialist, and called herself a “capitalist to her bones” or something like that. But she was for all the progressive positions. Then she flip-flopped on healthcare, lost most of the progressive vote to Bernie, and he was dangerous enough to the party that he got taken out pretty quickly by the establishment.

I think Warren was viewed as more safe, but I’m not sure she actually was.

Sure but if we’re discussing the 2020 Dem primary, Sinema is pretty much irrelevant.

Big fucking deal today in the student loan world. Biden admin announced that PSLF will be granted to:

  • Allow a qualifying employer to certify employment for a contractor if that individual is providing services that by State law cannot be filled or provided by an employee of that organization. The Department is aware of specific circumstances where existing state laws generally prevent doctors at nonprofit hospitals in California and Texas from working for the hospital directly. This change would cover those individuals as well as any other contractor whose employment is similarly barred by state law.

So basically I can qualify for PSLF now.


If Brandon doesn’t get to have his real name then no one does.

I would take any random Rashid Sanook over Rishi obviously.


Congrats. Also, I predict you’re about to send a whole bunch of lawnmowers into orbit in 3…2…

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Ha, we’ll see if I actually do. I submitted it obviously.

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Pete is really good at this stuff. In the big scheme of things he probably is mostly selling sanity to people that already believe in sanity, i.e. solid Dem voters. But it’s still a good thing that he does it.

Reading posters here carry water for the DNC in October 2022 just fills me with despair

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