Same. One of the great failings of my life.
Some good tutorials on youtube. On your bike
Fund it until 2025 you fuckwits
Some jimmies might get rustled today.
My proudest video gaming moment is when I returned home on a break during college, I popped Mike Tyson’s Punchout into the NES after having not played it in several years. Beat Tyson on the first run, dropped the mic, and haven’t played it since.
Good taste in vehicles iyam
The Vette gets them wet
I think it’s so funny that both sides have now fully embraced Brandon. Like the dudes name just got changed out from under him. He is Brandon now.
If that was Trump, every conservative pundit, “journalist,” and blogger would write articles about how the picture gave them a boner and how Trump just oozes sex power.
Saudi fist bumps paying dividends. I’m sure this will have no impact on the midterms…
Orb > fist
I’ve only beaten Tyson on emulator once and stopped immediately after that. A year or so later I was at a arcade expo that had an NES with Tyson. God I got so close to dropping the mic but got nervous and choked when I had him on the ropes. Its all about surviving that first minute.
Ko, tko, or decision?
important questions itt