The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

What kind of fucking compromise is “reasonable” on gay marriage? Either its equal or it’s not?

Maybe a gay marriage is worth 3/5ths of a het marriage?


So a black gay couple would be 9/25?


civil unions with the same rights basically I suppose is an idea (though it’s not quite the same)

some red states gay couples basically can’t get divorced cause their marriage from a legal state doesn’t count in their mind

It’s very difficult to ensure civil unions have the same rights, and in practice there are normally very important differences.

I’m sure I’m preaching to the converted here but “you can have a civil union but when your spouse is dying their bigoted family can stop you seeing them” is not a “reasonable compromise”

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LOL, they’re trying to make a story out of Joe Biden…voting.

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this is basically the perfect tweet to have bookmarked for any occasion where anyone ever bellyaches about “librul media bias”

So are the workers getting some sick days or what?

Looks like it


images (13)


President Biden appears to be good at presidenting.


Also who was it earlier that posted that he should do the Jed Bartlett West Wing thing? Because he appears to have done a better job west winging this one than Jed Bartlett did.

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I mean this is like the absolute fucking minimum that could be expected of industrial relations in a developed country (the demand was for UNPAID sick leave! like they just wanted to be able to not go to work when sick and not even get paid!) but yeah I mean the indictment here is of the system as a whole and it seems like Biden did what was required in this specific instance.


Yeah, the optics of this seem completely insane to any halfway reasonable person. You need to be some kind on some supervillan shit to think workers should get basic sick leave.

A 4th level ploy by Buffett to have Biden’s popularity go up with easy, obvious intervention?


I saw some people tryingto drag mayo pete over the whole strike situation because he’s secretary of transportation and he’s not “doing his job,” but railroads aren’t under his jurisdiction at all.

railroads in the US have all sorts of super arcane legal treatment and people are basically completely unaware of it. e.g. railroad employees do not pay into social security, there’s a completely separate “railroad retirement board” that administers stuff for them.


You can’t mess with Grandpa’s trainset. If I worked in the ice cream industry I would seriously be considering trying to improve my bargaining position right now also.


On the pension stuff, it’s actually pretty common for government workers to be exempted from social security participation because they already get much better coverage from their public sector pension plans. It’s partly practical (why pay people from two systems instead of one) and partly political (when public sector pensions are challenged on how generous / expensive their pensions are they love to fire back with BuT wE DoN’t GeT tO pArTiCiPaTe In SoCiAl SeCuRiTy!!!)

The Federal Railroad Administration is part of the Department of Transportation, so railroads are in his jurisdiction, but the National Mediation Board that oversees labor relations at railroad and airline companies is an independent federal agency, so a potential railroad strike is outside of his jurisdiction.

but muh bye party zan ship