The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Imma need some real-time CGI laser eyes on the next Dark Brandon live address from the Gates of Hell.

Trumps golf courses are shit, except Turnberry in Scotland, which is awesome and will never host a British Open while he owns it.

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Ben Shapiro calls everything he doesn’t like fascist, a history.


How the fuck is the last one fascist? Even using demented maga brain.

Lol. Proud Antifa, Ben Shapiro.

I think he means it in a libertarian government does not solve problems way. It could be a will to power thing, but I don’t think so from him.

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jul 28, 2017. that’s john mccain voting down aca repeal

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Just nationalize that already, no one will care except deplorables.



Doral used to be nice. Then he bought it.

i know seriously. if there is a lie in “semi-fascism”, it’s that it’s not “semi-“, it’s full on “fascism”.

I dunno, I know guys that have played Doral and Trump National and they say both are nice.

I haven’t been back since he bought it but no way it’s as nice. The place was classy but not up tight, just a great experience and great service and amenities. No way that asshole is spending the money to provide the same experience. Probably spray painted the tips gold and called it a day.

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I’ve seen way too many videos of trump courses across social media to say they’re shit, they look miles and miles above the courses I play at

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I play golf at hillbilly rural courses where shirts are optional and I’d take it any day over the course I’ve played at which has hosted several majors and the Ryder cup. Trump can have that shit.

This is legit good!





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He’s looking surprisingly spry. Internal polling perking him up?

wheres this guy been? jesus