The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

yea CA has some very deep problems that I’m amazed everything runs so well. it’s basically a single party state, which I’m not sure exists anywhere else in the country? not many reasons then stuff can’t get done other than we just dont want to. we have a massive budget surplus.

this article can easily go into the media choices thread with a causality disclaimer, but it does point out at least one real trend that occurred since 2020. it’s not that LA/SF, Seattle, NYC were unique in homelessness problems pre-pandemic. it is that small urban centers also evidently provide greater benefits to residents and homeless, even when housing, energy, environmental factors are all very much high cost. trying to survive surrounded by soy fields and feed lots is in almost all respects worse.

The Atlantic: How California Exported Its Worst Problem to Texas

The pandemic was supposed to ease high housing prices in coastal superstar cities. Instead, it spread them nationwide.

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48 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2022 LC Thread—New Year, New Thread

That was my experience (undergrad at michigan, did some cc courses one summer to makeup for a semester I had to medically withdraw from and later on to do a med school prereq for an absurd reason)

a lot of “back in my day” in this thread holy cow dudes college is different now

Man this would be such a gift to the Democrats

It’s such a one time vote mover as it is now. And I really don’t think it’s going to lose much if any net for the Dems

But SCOTUS taking a shit after people thinking they have relief will motivate the Y and Z crowds.

SCOTUS continuing to be deplorable is good for Dem voting prospects.

This may be true but it depends on Dems being able to articulate how they stop SCOTUS from continuing to be deplorable. They seem intent on “trust the process” platitudes, though, if younger people ask Dems to help stop SCOTUS from ruining their lives the Dems won’t get votes without a convincing pitch. Currently they don’t have one (as far as I know).

The real question is if they can get someone with standing to get an injunction before 1/1. If they can then pretty likely on 1/1 everyone will be paying student loans on their old balances again while this works through the courts (think authority to pause is under the same statute). The legal basis for doing this is dubious and why I’m still frustrated they didn’t address this legislatively.

“Vote harder and give us more seats and we’ll codify student loan forgiveness right along with Roe.”


who even has standing?

maybe someone making 125,500/year?

i guess maybe the house could sue when it gets taken over by republicans?

I saw Ygelesias’ tweet along the same lines and I can’t figure out the logic behind it at least from Yglesias’ point of view. If Ygelsias theory is deliverism or popularism, that is Democrats do good when they deliver popular things to their constituents, then Republicans blocking it seems to be detrimental as the Democrats won’t be able to deliver on what they promised. I’m not sure that people will know that it was the Republican’s fault so I’m not sure it will fire up Democrats or convince non partisans to vote D



Somebody is feeling Newsom pressure.

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I’ve been listening to a lot of Hammer and Nigel (conservative talk radio) because I hate myself. They are convinced that Biden never recovered from COVID and is either dead or in the basement. That’s the only possible explanation for all of these hyper liberal policies and rhetoric. The tears are so salty.


Lol, Chapo was saying something similar - that Biden never had COVID and was just put on ice for week while his handlers calibrated his Dark Brandon drug cocktail. Now that they’ve dialed it in, he’s been activated again and is destroying malarky left and right.


Do many states actually tax capital gains more favorably than income? Georgia doesn’t, so I guess I assumed this wasn’t really a thing.

edit: apparently it’s 9 states - Arizona, Arkansas, Hawaii, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, South Carolina, Vermont, and Wisconsin

Eh. They basically don’t tax real estate… which in a state like CA is a pretty regressive choice.

The real explanation is that he spent almost two years doing nothing while in danger of losing Congress and is now hoping to take advantage of recency bias by doing/attempting to do a bunch of kinda popular stuff right before the election.

If he can dodge an electoral loss, he’ll go back to doing nothing until August 2024 and then go Dark Brandon again.

There are lots of single-party states in America. Generally Republicans in lower-population states in the south and mountain west.