The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

What is the upside of Pelosi visiting here? Like I get that now that she said she was backing down has negatives. But what was the initial upside of the visit in the first place other than saber rattling?

holy shit

That’s a brutal way to go.

Moral support for Taiwan?

Is this real?

Is there a civilian version?


I may have misread your meaning since “they” is ambiguous.

The US should maintain the “one China” policy so long as Taiwan wants it. IR isn’t my area of expertise, but I think that’s still the case. Biden seems to be doing the opposite of signaling abandonment of the “one China” policy, so I assumed you meant China was signaling a willingness to use force.

I don’t know what Pelosi is doing. Why would she go to Taiwan unless she had some sort of back-channel invitation? Maybe Taiwan wants reassurances that Ukraine won’t be allowed to set a precedent for justification of a Chinese invasion?

If it’s real, then it’s spectacular.

Joe Brandon sliced up Zawahiri like that dude from that Indiana Jones movie, good god.

Our top scientists came up with that weapon


Looks real. Wtf.

six blades? in this economy???


What’s not to love about a weapon designed to minimize collateral damage?

here’s the aftermath of an alleged r9x attack in 2020

(click through to the thread for more pics, be advised there’s a lot of blood)

Glad I refrained from saying anything bad about Aa Mrd*ll!



We already know there aren’t enough votes for anything that isn’t a blatant corporate handout. The point is that the parliamentarian is another non-binding fake rule that these hand-up-their-ass-like-a-muppet corporate shills hide behind. This already happened with the $15 wage thing in the Covid bill. “Ah shucks we sure are disappointed she Byrded that part but hey, rules are rules wat ya gonna do?”

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So that’s what $800b a year comes up with!