The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

In the UK and Australia they just agree with the other party. So if you are sick you let the others know and one of them agrees to sit out

Super exploitable as a one time game, but should be pretty stable as a repeated game.

Republicans are a party of angle-shooters who would violate such norms if it gave them an advantage. Democrats are weenies who wonā€™t engage in tit for tat behavior.

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Itā€™s not 1789. There is absolutely zero reason to require presence to vote.

You love to see it.

He kind of did

How often did he bring it to them without any trace of comedy?

Well, it was a comedy show.

He did break character every now and then, but it was rare.

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Not breaking character normalizes their behavior.

Maybe. I think you would have to judge each monologue or interview individually.

fuck this fucking ghoul, really hope her gravesite ends up publically accessible someday because i just thought of a bucket list item

wondering whatā€™s going through her head when she decides to say this out loud, on the record

The Biden administration on Thursday authorized completion of the Trump-funded U.S.-Mexico border wall in an open area of southern Arizona near Yuma, where four wide gaps make it among the busiest corridors for illegal crossings.

The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement that the work to complete the project near the Morelos Dam will better protect migrants who can get hurt slipping down a slope or drown walking through a low section of the Colorado River.

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Absolutely nothing.

If itā€™s Biden v Trump 2.0 in 2024, what are the chances Biden can run on completing more of the border wall than Trump did?


The stock market is way up this week and itā€™s not just the rate hike. People are excited about the Manchin deal, and even more excited that Fetterman is crushing Dr. Oz and the Senate will likely remain blue after the midterms. Dems are finally firing on all cylinders. No way Sinema or anybody else squashes the climate deal now!

It will eventually come out that Joe Biden personally brokered the Manchin deal. So let me be the first to say: Thank you Joe Biden, for saving the Democratic Party, saving the country, and (dare I say it?) saving humanity itself.


Used to take the second or third paragraph to realize this was SSC. Now it takes the first sentence.

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Maybe this timeā€¦

Nah, itā€™s not just about grifting. Heā€™s 74 years old and has made millions from the coal industry. If it were just about the money heā€™d have kept a low profile and gotten out a long time ago. Heā€™s a narcissist first and foremost. He fuckin loves being the center of attention. His name is in more headlines than the presidentā€™s. Sure, in this day and age fame can be monetized pretty effectively, but this is attention seeking behavior much more so than angling for a shot at more money.

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