The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


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Well I was happy for like 20 mins at least



I donā€™t know, I think this might be happening. Somehow democrats snatched victory from the jaws of defeat? It even doesnā€™t have the SALT shit sandwich because Manchin of all people is the one who shot that down correctly noting it was a giveaway for the rich. Good for him. The climate provisions look pretty good considering that we were looking at nothing:

This is also the last democratic legislation that will get passed in our lifetimes, so enjoy it while it lasts.

If they started actually passing legislation it might not be. It really is mind boggling how easy it should be to just rattle off a bunch of popular legislation and win the 2022 election by quite a bit.

Donā€™t worry I donā€™tā€™ even think theyā€™re getting this done lol.

LOL right on cue

We had a few hours of happiness

Lol, Menendez isnā€™t going to tank the deal for salt. Heā€™s posturing.

CNN might have been addicted to the ratings and gave Trump lots of free attention but Fox News and the Republican establishment definitely tried pretty hard to make sure he didnā€™t get nominated.

I get all of my news from Snoops Instagram. Sounds bad!


How long before Sinema steps in to take this bullet?

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I donā€™t believe for a second Manchin is supporting this without being sure that someone else is going to step up and kill it. Heā€™s just burnishing his ā€œmiddle of the roadā€ credentials for post senate career grifting.

Agree. Itā€™s the same story. One of them supports a popular bill while the other torpedos it. Rinse repeat for 4 years.

Why would he need a post Senate career option? It seems like the Dems are happy to let Republican-lite dinosaurs die in office in their late 80s.

Heā€™s probably not going to win re-election


They gotta gut it out and just run in/vote/run out. That or start spreading the rona around to the Rs. I have it on good authority that COVID is over anyway so Iā€™m not sure why they care.

Oh well we tried.

Obviously Rs will instantly allow remote voting and proxy voting when they take the Senate so they never have to worry about this shit.

Maybe theyā€™ll also do ā€œpresumptive votingā€ where if future Senator Gaetz is busy raping some underage girl in the coatroom and they canā€™t find him, future Leader Greene can just count his vote however she wants.

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