The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I listen to Progress quite a bit. There is a decent amount of that, but there’s quite a lot of E-Dem slamming. The main transparent points lately are the hard truths that we really are fucked unless a conservative justice croaks or Dems somehow get to a point where they control everything AND decide to eliminate the filibuster. So in a nutshell, yeah they know we are fucked. I have zero hope in my lifetime that things will get better before they get worse and I’m only 49.

Something that really baffles me is I don’t see a younger version of Bernie anywhere that we can hang our hopes on as a future POTUS. I’d like to think AOC is electable but I’m not sure.


Which is exactly what the GOP wants (minus the police and military)

RE: The constitutional convention strategy; that was the right’s plan during the entire Obama years IIRC. Mark Levin was out there agitating for it all the time amongst others. I just checked in on the effort and it looks like they’re halfway there; Nebraska and Wisconsin just passed the legislation this year to get to 17 statse. All they have to do is get to 34 states and then they can rewrite the Constitution however they see fit since there’s no rules or mechanisms in place for how it would actually work, so they could force majority rules and do whatever they wanted theoretically. Of course it would precipitate a civil war most likely and we’re already going to be under full blown fascism in a few years anyway so it doesn’t matter, but they do have a backup plan in case they somehow blow it this time around.

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I have gotten to the same point. I harass people for not voting blue because they want to protest, but no more. They were given it all and fucked it up. I don’t want trump again but this isn’t any better and it won’t get better.

The only way it ever gets better is progressives doing to eDems what the Tea Party and Trumpers did to establishment Republicans. Primary them and make the ones left more fearful of losing to a progressive or losing progressive votes than anything else.

At this point I think having a shitty Dem just lose in the general is often preferable to having them hold their seat against a Republican and keep the power of incumbency. There are exceptions in the Senate, perhaps. It does suck to lose the White House and Senate at once.

But the path we’re on is just guaranteed defeat.

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Biden administration still out there kissing this guys ass

the guy is a natural troll. one dictator at a time.

Just moving to another country seems much easier than any solution described in this topic. Things will perhaps be better in 20 years when demographics change.

I can’t stop laughing at this stupid motherfucker. He wants the story to be about inflation! WANTS IT! TO BE! ABOUT! INFLATION!

Please, please, let’s talk about the thing everyone hates me for! I INSIST!


My literal reaction:



In his defense, I also did not anticipate the sun rising today and am totally unprepared for it.

I continue to hold out hope that tomorrow is won’t rise again.


Man who wistfully describes eating lunch with extremists startled to realize that extremists are still at the lunch table.

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I mean this is the David Shor savvy Democratic strategy. Daftly try to avoid culture war issues while focusing on pocketbook issues. But doing it so ham fistedly shows your cards.

You can’t actually be this bad by accident. It’s on purpose.

I mean trying to talk pocketbook issues would be one thing, but inflation is like the last thing in the world this administration should be focusing news coverage on.

Lol the biggest pocketbook issues are health care (zero progress, no effort) and housing costs (zero progress, no effort).

You lose all credibility with the electorate when you’re in charge and don’t even really try to enact your supposed agenda.

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Restarting student loan payments is a way to fight inflation. :exploding_head: