The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Wow, Beshear is very popular in Kentucky. Probably won’t translate well to a Senate run but if he manages to stay at +23 approval he’s not drawing dead.

Kentucky is where Democratic donations go to die

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We need more Manchins too.

We need Manchins in strong R states, Testers in moderate R states, Sherrods in mild R states, Baldwins in swing states, Merkleys in moderate D states and Bernies in strong D states.

Agreed, but in between these in importance is “can you win?”. Wasting time/money/effort with obvious losers (cough McGrath) is infuriating.

I also doubt McGrath would have nuked the filibuster but yeah that was a dumb race to contest and she was a bad candidate to try.

We need to find and run Tester-type candidates for every Republican Senate seat in the plains states.

Hopefully Bullock runs again in Montana in 2026 when it’s not a presidential year.

The problem isn’t that the voters don’t want a raised minimum wage, child tax benefit, or MFA. It’s that they care WAY more about hating the other side.

I’d love to see a poll of these things one with neutral language and one with “the (insert dems or gop) want to…

I bet the latter drops 40 points.

25 years ago, I was trying to do research to show that the Catholic social justice movement was a viable vehicle for creating a socially conservative, economically liberal voter bloc. My general idea was that we needed more politicians resembling Bob Casey Jr in the Midwest and I got very frustrated that abortion was treated as a litmus test when I thought that single payer with a permanent Hyde Amendment was a workable compromise.

The Trumpist strategy is coming very close to toppling the entire govt, they seem do be doing quite a lot of winning.

Nonsense. Healthcare has been incredibly successful for the Dems to run on. Voters do actually care about getting booted from their insurance provider.

Right. By the time most people realize they didn’t actually want this, it will be impossible to go back.

R +63 in the House


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You’re both right.

There was an immediate backlash to Obamacare that caused a Democratic beatdown in 2010. But now people mostly like Obamacare.

People are dumb.

It would have been less of a beat down in 2010 if Dems would have embraced Obamacare.

Obama ran on Obamacare twice and won, even pulling off an almost-unprecedented re-election during a recession. Somehow the lesson of this escaped ~everyone.

Including Obama

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No, sorry. This isn’t enough to win “every” election. It’s enough to win ONE election. Then you have to actually deliver to win the subsequent elections.

“The GOP” would absolutely love this.

Unfortunately they don’t decide who the nominee is, the extremist wacko boomers who turn out for primaries decide that.

I am pleasantly surprised. But yeah I don’t want to see him doing a senate run just yet. Especially since Governors here have a two term limit and his next race will be 2023. After seeing this equity of him getting another term as governor is far more likely than a senate run. But if he manages to get two runs as governor, then hell give him a shot

It didn’t work for Bernie against Biden.

Not sure where to put this, but a majority of non-college educated Americans think “having a strong leader who does not need to bother with Congress or elections” would be a good thing.