The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

“The most dangerous man in the world.” No way Murdock should stay in power?

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Biden will rally the sharpest, most powerful forces in the establish Dems and just you wait. They are going to write the STERNEST letter you have ever seen, expressing the MOST CONCERN anyone has ever expressed, and then they’ll be sorry!

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I think one of the biggest wins in removing MJ from schedule 1 will be that it will be legally protected federally for job openings.

Actually the legislation the house passed would not protect employees from drug tests.


Man would I love for the Czech Republic to legalize weed

Two problems with this.

  1. Im talking about pre-employment drug testing. If I am unemployed and enjoy pot to, you know, take the edge off the fact that Im unemployed, and I get a job offer the next day that requires an MJ drug test, whoops, now Im going to test positive for something I have done that is 100% legal to do in my personal time and has no effect on being able to perform a job in the future. If thats the case, we also need to start doing preemployment screenings for alcohol use.


  1. We need to have better tests for MJ that only detect active impairment, which we dont have. If Im job searching and have stopped using for two weeks and have 0 impairment, I might still show up as positive on a preemployment test that costs me a job that might get me out of the hole Im in which led to me using MJ to begin with.

Kinda cyclical don’t you think? Would you agree with the two points above?

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How many employers are still going to care after weed gets legalized? Anyway, just stay off it for a few weeks when you’re job hunting.

Nor do I. Which makes it a good thing that I never suggested that should be the case

Edit: Sorry, that was snippy. I dont have a problem with testing for impairments on the job. I have a major problem testing for impairments when not on the job.


Whoever invents a test for avocado toast will make millions


Most companies already have policies about drinking and work. I think they will just generalize those.

So let’s say they want to test for sugar, because a sugar rush could lead to poor decision making and the crash afterwards will impair productivity. Cool?

What if they want to test for bodyfat percentage in Amazon warehouses, because the better shape you’re in the more work you can get done? Cool?

What if they want to test for bodyfat percentage in waitresses, because less bodyfat societally means more attractive which will draw male customers? Still cool?

Like there could be a series of 10-15 questions like that, weed falls somewhere in the list, and the fact that many (most?) would arbitrarily draw the line somewhere where it’s cool to test for weed but not for that other stuff has more to do with past anti-weed propaganda and the fact that it’s been illegal in the past than it does with anything that makes sense.


I get where you’re coming from. I don’t entirely discount it, but it doesn’t always work that way.

In the past, people have made arguments like “Well, if women and minorities were just as qualified and willing to accept lower wages (which they often were), then employers would just keep hiring them to save on labor costs”.

That did not go quite as predicted.

I don’t have the answer either.

I believe all of those practices would be legal. Not sure if that is what is meant by ‘Cool?’.

I think the point is that worker privacy and “safety” concerns can often be in tension. Given the imbalance of power between employers and employees, there should be a pretty high standard on what constitutes dangerous activity that justifies monitoring.

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What you gonna do about it Joe, have someone write a letter begging him to do better?

No, I just meant like “do you think this should be ok?” regardless of whether it’s legal.

Biden says putin is a war criminal and is building evidence for it. Let’s show the world how serious we are about war crimes by putting Bush on trial first

Those were the good type of war crimes, duh.

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Wow good thing he picked the moderate, Republicans would have been really mean to a left wing nominee.

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