The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

There is no way to send the money to the Afghani people short of reinvading. Itā€™s whether youā€™re willing to let the Taliban skim 75% and hoping they do a little to help the citizenry or waiting a few decades and hoping they fall apart. The organization that money was pledged to no longer exists.

Why let the Taliban skim 75% when we can steal 100%?

Youā€™re so stupid. The US is liberating 100% of the money.

Cool, cool

If Biden was a real boss heā€™d be holding a latte in his hand in that pic.

I have no idea about this other than having read this one tweet because even I, a person from another country who closely follows US politics, am not dumb enough to spend my time tracing the intricacies of the Democratic ā€œlegislativeā€ ā€œprocessā€. But it sounds like things are going great.

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Listen itā€™s all about wins and losses. Sure weā€™re all going to drown in the boiling salt ocean in a few years but there was bipartisan agreement for another trillion or so spent on planes that donā€™t work, helicopters that crash half the time, and raytheon CEO bonuses. Three vital components of any civilised society. Try to see the big picture here man.

Every fucking year.

By contrast, that bipartisan infrastructure bill that everyone was flipping their shit about came out to about $1.25 trillion spread out over 8 years.


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More winning

Bidenā€™s boy Louis DeJoy doing his bidding, I guess. At this point, Joe has full responsibility. Heā€™s not being defied, heā€™s defying his base.

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll flip flop on this numerous times but at the moment Iā€™m actually looking forward to how badly theyā€™re going to get smoked in November.


The perfect scenario would be Dems somehow hold the governorā€™s mansions in PA/MI/WI, but lose the House, and the GOP decides to make Trump Speaker and impeach Biden. In that runout, weā€™re probably favored in 2024.

Iā€™m looking forward to the stupid look on Bidenā€™s stupid face when he gets impeached for something imaginary.

Between a rock and a hard place!

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We had him forā€¦ (checks dates on those tweets)ā€¦ six days!

Heā€™d just resign for the good of the nation.

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It will be less than an hour before Harris impeachment is filed.

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