The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

All correct takes.

Dems itt are pissed but, in the end, we will do what we always do and vote the straight Dem ticket because we’re not stupid.

But we know it won’t matter. Hell I heard driving into work today that Biden is at 24% with independents. That fucker won’t be getting re elected even if every Dem that showed up in 2020 shows up in 2024. And we know that so we pissed.

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Try reading this and not being enraged.





And I mean yeah eDems suck I’ll always agree with that take but I mean, even god damn Schumer and Pelosi are telling the old cuss that all he has to do is tell the parliamentarian to fk himself and start using his executive order pen on stuff like student loans, and two fkfaces are holding back voting rights (hypocritically as fk, I might add, since they had no apparent qualms when it came to raising the debt ceiling).

So yeah, the problem mostly is Biden, and Manchin, and Sinema.

least they could do is tell the coast guard to impound manchin’s boat. or at least make him move to a worse slip.

Yeah, it’s this. Progressive caucus taking fire for not sinking the Infrastructure Bill is just game theory incorrect in my opinion.

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If you guys don’t vote for eDems, Republicans will win and pass an $800 billion defense budget, repeal Roe, have the highest incarceration rate on the planet, continue the war on drugs, refuse to raise the minimum wage, refuse to pass any meaningful climate action, eviscerate public education, enforce student loan repayment, maintain a for-profit healthcare system, widen the inequality gap, bomb poor brown people and be generally shitty!


You forgot we will get the Mitch McConnell infrastructure bill.

I think we’re drawing live to President Trump 2024 running on suspending these again.

He was absolutely going to get to Medicare for all before the so-called adults (none of whom will be a part of his second administration) stopped him. They had some big healthcare meeting early on and he kept blurting out “just have the government cover everyone,” lololol no more of those meetings!


progressives did hold out, though, didn’t they? I thought Nancy found a handful of GOPers to vote for it to get it over the top.

That is also true.

IIRC Jayapal and maybe a couple of others flipped after the GOPers were on board and the deal was sealed anyway

yeah, here we go:

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I mean I thought that story was funny too, but just because he accidentally had the right idea doesn’t mean anything. Even with no one to steer him away from the idea, at some point someone would have to break it to him that the way you pay for that is with more taxes, and Trump would just go “oh haha never mind”.

Only the OG squad + Bush + Bowman voted against the infrastructure bill.

Every other House Democrat voted for it. They also got 13 Republicans.

Don’t forget that deplorables actually love government hand outs as long as only white people get them. It is very plausible that the Rs will find a way to turn government health care spending as long as it is gamed to help only or almost only white people. Something like massive federal transfers to the states for health care subsidies, but each state gets to decide how it’s spent, subject to some rules imposed by the Federal government, is basically the Canadian health care structure. But in the US the SC will of course back claims by the states that they can impose all kinds of asymmetrical access rules, just like on voting rights.


The progressive caucus has 100 people and more than 50 signed on to not voting for it unless they voted for BBB first

Most changed their mind once it was clear manchin and cinema were not going to fold and would just tank both and progressive would be blamed. Only a hand full of og refused to vote for it although it was clear it would pass

Anyways, on a certain level, Manchin is right that people can’t be trusted. That’s a basic lesson of the pandemic, since people won’t get vaxxed like they ought to. He’s wrong to oppose the CTC on those grounds, though.

I suppose his punishment will be a continuing series of leaks to the media about everything bad he’s ever said in private.

I don’t believe there is much that can move him. He believes that he is not just right but righteous.

This has felt odd to me. I haven’t been in a recession where I can’t go five feet without hitting a help wanted sign. Even with inflation wasn’t the major problem stagflation with low employment and high inflation?