The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

It isn’t “bad” policy just wholly inadequate.

Yep here comes the “why won’t the progressives play ball” push

Burn it all down.

(I don’t think this is going to go well for Biden):


Agreed. We are fucking dead anyway. Time to gridlock this country to death


Yeah this isn’t gonna work, I agree, there won’t be a vote.

The progressives are still going to be there in 2023. The centrists will be gone in midterms. Biden will not even be nominated again. Tell them sounds like a you problem.

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I’m not completely convinced the progressives end up blocking the bill here but I sure am rooting for it.


It just is going to go into November while negotiations continue and they’ll have to do a quick highway bill patch

They already did it once and the margin is super thin. The squad alone can kill it and they aren’t fucking around.

Everything in the dollar store near me has gone up in the last week or two 10%+ basically across the board. It’s very noticeable in a dollar store when stuff used to cost under a buck a year ago, to a buck, now higher than a buck.

I wouldn’t remember in a grocery store either.

That’s not straightforward at all. It’s more of the “Republicans have no agency, they’re just mindless reactionaries. It’s really the Democrats’ fault” but applied to progressives and moderates where moderates get to not support popular things because it’s all really the progessive’s fault for letting them.

I know Yglesias has criticized moderates who support unpopular policies in the past which is why his tweets don’t follow from his previous logic.

Most of the media tonight seems to be acting like Biden really needs a deal before leaving, a deal is imminent, and just a few final details need to be worked out.

But if it doesn’t get done and all blows up, maybe it will be the catalyst for a true schism that splits the party in two.

Obviously terrible in the short term, but maybe necessary to eventually get to a healthy multiparty democracy with ranked choice voting, etc. Might take a hundred years to get there (and a fascist-overthrowing revolution at some point…)

Coal subsidies and tax cuts.



Just the WH Chief of Staff! LOL total tire fire.

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Yglesias position is basically endorsing David Shor against the party establishment.

Put it all together, and the problem Democrats face is this: Educational polarization has made the Senate even more biased against Democrats than it was, and the decline in ticket splitting has made it harder for individual Democratic candidates to run ahead of their party.

Atop this analysis, Shor has built an increasingly influential theory of what the Democrats must do to avoid congressional calamity. The chain of logic is this: Democrats are on the edge of an electoral abyss. To avoid it, they need to win states that lean Republican. To do that, they need to internalize that they are not like and do not understand the voters they need to win over. Swing voters in these states are not liberals, are not woke and do not see the world in the way that the people who staff and donate to Democratic campaigns do.

All this comes down to a simple prescription: Democrats should do a lot of polling to figure out which of their views are popular and which are not popular, and then they should talk about the popular stuff and shut up about the unpopular stuff. “Traditional diversity and inclusion is super important, but polling is one of the only tools we have to step outside of ourselves and see what the median voter actually thinks,” Shor said. This theory is often short-handed as “popularism.” It doesn’t sound as if it would be particularly controversial.

I get that position, which is perfectly fine if applied objectively. If not applied objectively you’re going to get all the complaints aimed at progressives if something popular fails, even when it’s moderates doing it, because of something progressives did.

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The progressives are literally doing what Shor says they should do. All the shit they are fighting for polls at 70%+. Actual populism can’t overcome naked corruption, because the structural hurdles are too high. Add senators, nuke the filibuster, expand the court.

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Good luck in the house. joe


This shit shouldn’t even pass the senate.