The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

It’s wrong to take executive actions unless you have a good faith basis that it’s constitutional.

Thank God the opposition party operates by this norm, so there’s no chance they’ll steal our democracy out from under us while we rearrange the deck chairs and pat each other on the back for being so God damn respectful!


There’s enough to talk yourself into good faith on this one. Barely, but enough I think.

strong text[quote=“iron81, post:7692, topic:5515, full:true”]
It’s wrong to take executive actions unless you have a good faith basis that it’s constitutional.

Do we have a rainbow text plug in?


This is the correct answer to all beverage queries.


Link to some examples of some “good shit”? I found something online that was advertised as “ceremonial organic” that was under $1/cup. Presumably that’s not what you are talking about.

Can the Biden administration multitask and do all of these things at once?

Would be in the news for quite awhile. Sure, go for it.

Imagine talking about norms and good faith in July 2022.

It’s hopeless.

Mice learn their lessons faster.


A) there isn’t a big enough lol on earth for how dumb this statement reads.

B) from everything they said on the show it’s absolutely constitutional.

Many countries have realtor fees 1-2%. For the average home in America, we are around ~$15,000 in in extra unnecessary fees in comparison. Going after them would be great politics.

Mice are born, reproduce, and die of old age in the time iron81 hasn’t learned anything about how politics work in the real world. Guy thinks West Wing was a documentary.

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Mice are born, reproduce, and die of old age in the time some of you haven’t learned anything about how trolling works in this forum.


Is this the same real world where some support the complete divide of society while simultaneously looking down on anyone who bears arms?

Since we’re calling out naivety and such.

Can you blame him? I disagree with some of his takes but at least he started swinging back.


We are now describing centrist 1994 do nothing everything is fine strategy as “swinging back”?


Have you been asleep the last 6 years?

I pay attention. Amazing failure of emotional intelligence on your part.

Pour another LOL for all the elitists that either believe they are insulated or will white flight out of the country when shit gets real(er).

You keep making this claim that progressives recognizing reality is elitist and that supporting centrist dems is somehow the path for non-elites.

It’s as dumb as Christians looking at trump as one of their own.

Let’s play your game.
LOLOLOLOLOLOL at you supporting Hillary and the use of the term “super predator” and bombing browns in the ME.

centrist 1994


There would he hundreds of deaths. You think the cops are going to let liberals run them over? LMFAO.