The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Dems should go after the potential Democratic voters who have the highest potential to become yellow dog Democrats.

Precisely 0.0% of GOP voters care about lying.

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They care about ineffective lying, but they’re ultimately results-oriented consequentialists who are fine with lying if it gets shit done.

right but this isn’t about converting GOP voters

Man, it’s a big Mike Lee day. He was at the SotU with the Utah Governor while tweeting this and got called out by Joe.

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speaking with mouth full*

We are sitting on a field of victory, enjoying a few well-earned comforts.

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Getting some early debate previews

edit: Apparently a clip from this


Lost it at the k/d ratio

but the president’s team rejected those choices, and decided about 72 hours before kickoff that Biden would do the interview with the network’s little-known streaming channel Fox Soul.


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So THAT’S where they keep it.

“little-known” is spot-on

Wtf is fox soul

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It’s Fox News’s token black friend.


A Tyler Perry Enterprise


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My guess is that Democrats and technocrats got scared by right wing backlash over the balloon, overreacted, and turned the sensitivity on NORAD’s radars up so they’re shooting flocks of birds now.


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Biden thread III: Still Robinette