The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

What does this mean, looking to make the thresholds lower or higher?

I get that just fine. It was a horrible, unjust state of affairs. But when you leave out all those qualifiers in order to win an emotional victory it becomes bullshit.


My point is there is absolutely zero reason to waste precious time negotiating with 8 GOP Senators when the other 42 can and will keep the bill they’re discussing from passing.

News flash to Democrats and Biden: those 8 “bipartisan” GOP Senators aren’t going to support it either. The Democrats are negotiating against themselves AND wasting the most valuable legislative days on the calendar.

Just staggering fucking incompetence, absolutely enraging.


I think part of it is keeping the 8 most centrist Democrats happy. If you don’t appeal to their bipartisanship fetish and exhaust all chances of compromise, you have zero chance of getting them to turn against the filibuster and support a nuclear option. You have to convince people like Manchin and Sinema that there is no other way and to do that you have to try their way first.


This is a fair point.

This post seems like it has a pretty good chance of being true to me. It’s hugely wasteful obviously, but it might not actually be avoidable and once the filibuster is gone it won’t be coming back.


Get the gavels, repopulate the executive branch with competent people, pass the largest stimulus possible through reconciliation, get some 35 year old D judges nominated, beat the pandemic. Some EOs peppered here and there. This is the best case scenario, nuking filibuster is a dream scenario.

One way to model Senate dynamics is to view it as a de facto multi-party system in which Manchin, Sinema, King, and maybe a few others act as a third party that has formed a coalition against Republicans. (There’s a Bernie/Warren progressive party with maybe a dozen members and probably a way to divide Republicans up as well.)

Don’t look at them as being bad Democrats (and Angus King isn’t even a Democrat). Look at them being good whatever-you-want-to-call-their-party and think of this in terms of how you would negotiate the formation of a coalition. There’s no way you can get them to support the nuclear option right off the bat, but you can maybe get them agree to pre-conditions where they will agree to end the filibuster if Republicans misbehave sufficiently and you just have to count on Republicans being Republicans to eventually end the filibuster.


Well actually. Did you know that Rosa Parks could sit at the front on some of the busses?


Working hard, thank you! Oh wait…


This clown is dangerous.


America would be a better place if we could literally muzzle Josh Hawley and treat him like the dog he is.



What a racist shock

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This very well could be - I spent 5 minutes googling and couldn’t find any info on % of women with bank accounts by year. Where did you get the 95% figure?

if this is all they get done then say hello to speaker Gym Jordan in January 2023

Banks could refuse women a credit card until the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974 was signed into law. Prior to that, a bank could refuse to issue a credit card to an unmarried woman, and if a woman was married, her husband was required to cosign.

Many banks required single, divorced or widowed women to bring a man with them to cosign for a credit card, according to CNN, and some discounted the wages of women by as much as 50% when calculating their credit card limits, according to an article from Smithsonian Magazine.

While we are digging into the rights of women and what sounds improbable:

Spousal rape was not criminalized in all 50 states until 1993, the post states.


Voting Rights Act and 2 new states or gg democracy.


That’s kinda pleonastic.

Political language – and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists – is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.