The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Perfect image to sum up the Biden Admin so far at their announcement today. Sinema and Manchin right up front with him. Disgusting.


Sinema looks nuts. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—we must be more willing to sort by crazy in this country.


One million percent this. I will be shocked if this passes GOP support

Do you love the deficit and hate the economy commie?

I’ve been on this block from Day 1. She’s the crazy hot chick who got lots of attention from 18-35, is now 50, doesn’t get why the world is different and keeps acting out in increasingly bizarre ways.

Nah. She’s a soulless careerist Gen X’er. She’s been doing the ‘quirky’ bullshit her whole life but it’s not an accident that she pivoted so smoothly from the Green Party to a Senator from the chamber of commerce. Literally everything she does is performative and she’s never said a genuine thing in her life. She’s the perfect example of why we should all be more suspicious not less of our fellow travelers in politics. Just because someone says they’re something doesn’t mean they aren’t just performing it hoping to get noticed the way they want to get noticed.

And of course she was probably hot when she was younger (absolutely not going to look). Women her age had to be hot to get anywhere in public life.


Meh, I wouldn’t be surprised if GOP passes it allows it to pass. It’s so watered down that it doesn’t really threaten them or their donors. They can then proceed to obstruct everything else while pointing at this and saying “we aren’t obstructing everything, look at the infrastructure bill! the democrats’ latest request is just unreasonable!”

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I’m gonna repeat this.


Passing it also gives the Dems cover from the “They aren’t doing anything crowd” on the left which is also good for the Republicans.

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High school:



Saw that high school and had to look it up. She grew up in the Florida Panhandle, which actually explains a lot. It’s the exact same county Matt Gaetz is from too.

Feels like this just sets the GOP perfectly for any subsequent fight on voting rights (or any issue the next 18 months, frankly). They will claim that they seek bipartisanship (just like on infrastructure!), but meanwhile obstruct everything, agree to nothing, and get away with claiming that it’s because Dems are being unreasonable.

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They’re not going to vote for this infrastructure deal. They’ll successfully waste like 2-3 months, absolutely precious time, before pulling their support at the last minute. Then Chuck will send everyone home for a few month recess, can’t miss those great summer parties in the Hamptons and at your all-white beach club.

Edit: they’ll just use this as the excuse:

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If they pass the reconciliation bill the infrastructure bill probably doesn’t matter much. This bipartisan bill is probably just a fig leaf for Manchin and Sinema to vote for the reconciliation bill.

But yeah this is a huge waste of everyone’s time and it helps run down the clock. Something Sinema and Manchin’s backers absolutely want to do.

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I give this SJW, self back-patting one thumbs down

Yeah sorry back to discussing how Sinema’s failings are because she used to be hot and now isn’t.


Calling “let’s shit on her for being terrible and not for being ugly” an SJW take is kinda telling on yourself

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I’m not so sure. She has chameleon-like properties but she seemed ok right up until she went to Congress. Definitely smart. She was a social worker for seven years. Something had to have happened to her.