The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

So your position is that @ someone is inappropriately mean if you are being snide? This is a politics forum.


It’s rude to @ someone just to irritate them.

This shouldn’t be difficult to understand.


Yeah I understand it. I just thought being snide was sort of expected on a politics forum. So when a non-involved party was so concerned about it that he wanted me to edit my post, I wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something.

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One time I went into the Bitcoin Reddit and asked them what happens if they run out of prime numbers to factor. They didn’t like that one bit.


Did no one know the infinite primes proof? Like, I get that most people don’t know it, but no one on a fairly active board of nerds?

Probably, but they were still pretty mad at me.

Well surely if Manchin’s vote was needed known bipartisan actor of good faith Mitch McConnell would have left all of the Manchin changes in the bill.

Everything that’s going on and that’s what they are worried about huh?

Don’t worry kids, the country will no longer exist to pay those bills because of you clowns.

I’m fairly certain that bill just repurposes unspent COVID money and does nothing on climate, which could prompt Bernie, Markey, Warren and maybe others to oppose it.

The follow up I saw to Manchin was that provision to shine light on dark money is NOT on his list.

A picture appears to be developing here of Manchin as a man who is thick as pig shit.




Grandpa is in serious denial

Biden’s statement reminds me of this from c. 2013:


Because Biden and the loony left is in charge! Oh, 2013. Obamao!

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Clearly hasn’t tried Wikipedia


voter id is something we should be able to mitigate by outreach to get people registered, and relax the requirements later. i don’t know of any examples where a bipartisan commission drew districts that shut out 3rd parties candidates, although it probably exists if you go down to state level where every map will screw someone over. dealing with that will probably larger districts and ranked choice ballots for top-2 or top-3 winners or something.

having said that, va turned blue on a massive influx of liberal voters. it was gerrymandered by gillespie, but the suburban expansion simply rolled through it like a flood. eDems flipped a bad minority to solid majority, and it looked like they underperformed due to the map. just setting the districts fairly is more than enough to improve, and there’s no public plan out (that i know of) to rig it in perpetuity towards blue (which would be perfectly reciprocal). my guess is the risk of rigging it shamelessly like the republicans isn’t worth it at this time.

I found a map showing the results of people surveyed per country.

While the US, Canada and the UK all said Iran, Australia is flying the stars and stripes :slight_smile:

Edit: I’m also curious who the 1% of people surveyed were who said Australia. I guess Indonesians? I don’t remember what the state of bilateral relations was in 2013. I remember there was some tension at some point a few years back.