The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Haven’t heard much out of the VORP crew lately.


The only thing he’s a true believer in doing everything possible to keep his job no matter how destructive it is.

He doesn’t have the balls to go out on his sword because he foolishly thinks that he’ll be elected to another term.

He’s still top 5 in VORP.

He still sucks, but other senators in similarly Trumpy states are way worse.

I’m also wondering if Manchin isn’t taking a bullet in a lot of these situations for other conservative Democrats.


I think your last statement is likely accurate. Doesn’t make it any better though.

He almost certainly was on minimum wage, there was a somewhat sizeable contingent of Dems who didnt want a $15 min wage. Probably pretty common for economic issues. Think on things like voting rights he’s on a smaller island.

If Manchin is assuming the role of figurehead for other senators who don’t want progressive legislation to pass, that’s actually way worse.

Maybe I am alone on this but I really don’t care what the reasons are for his actions. Either you are for progress or against it and it is very obvious he is against it on 95% of things. The only reason he is even meaningfully better than a Republican is that we are at exactly 50 Senators. If we had 49 or 51 his VORP is 0 or maybe even negative because he is trying to drag the Overton window back to the right.


I’m sure Joe Manchin will jump into action because of “scholars”.

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More letters! Yay

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Excuse me I think you mean POWERFUL NEW STATEMENT.


He has said he doesn’t think he’s running again. Whatever his reasons he fucking sucks as a human being.

I think he as to justify to himself gop voters are reasonable because they keep voting for him instead of ncp who just used to clicking his name or whatever.

It’s his last term regardless.

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This forum is a perfect microcosm of impotent dem brain where machin is the big bad and not the Dems tool to get absolutely nothing done. Beat up manchin to protect senile war criminal rapist Joe Biden and his enablers

A bunch of whiny babies in this thread clutching their pearls about Joe Manchin who would clench their assholes and squawk for days if the criticism was ever levied against the leader of the party and the forces that got him here. Lol Pete and warren stans forever



Some of the same crying turds itt are the same people who claim that a President Bernie would have zero effect on the national discourse or within Congress using the bully pulpit. Just a giant professional class clown crew jerking it while the country burns for the silenced.


Did they rip out Bernie’s vocal cords after the primaries or something? Can you ask him to go work his socialism magic on Joe Manchin please?


At least there are still some things both sides can agree on


D turnout was good, R turnout was not.


While spiking the ball on Manchin sucking is understandable, the VORP argument remains very obviously correct. The worst D Senator is significantly better than an insane Trump guy ala Tommy Tuberville, which is what the R in VORP here would be.

ETA: my pony has a low VORP.