The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

The amount of eligible Ivy League debt out there is probably a rounding error relative to the rest of the eligible debt. It’s just stupid all around.

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Of course. But it’s even stupider to pretend there isn’t an easy fix to the stupid concern.

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Yeah, of course. It would just be nice if there was at least one journalist out there who had the wherewithal to push back on such a stupid statement maybe just once. Pretty please?


Yeah would have been much better with Trump?

That’s not what you meant with your dumb comment? Well it is what you said.

Just to be clear. I am calling you out for saying something dumb. I am also preemptively calling you out when you claim you meant something else.

The issue is dumb democrats across the board. All of them.

It’s never possible because people will always surrender too much for access to what they have. Even if the government controls it all you end up with similar problems.

I don’t like Senator Joe Manchin, but am well aware that we aren’t getting any better out of a Trump+40 state.


this is the shitlib version of maga derps getting confirmed furious that lazy people are collecting unemployment instead of working for $2/hour so some rotary club member can make more profit

as a purported incremental shitlib who already paid off 70k for ivy league education, i would rather my cohorts were excluded from loan forgiveness than not having it at all. this is a wedge to both fiscal austerity right and progressive left, and afaict biden is using it as a trading chip to pass whatever he can.

i would be happy if he managed to keep universal preK, which isn’t something i actively fought for, but is a much better use of less money, albeit with a far longer payoff than free college right now.

What about the private schools that are just as expensive as the ivies, but suck? Are we cool with paying that debt? What about the kids who went to ivies and didn’t graduate or couldn’t find a good paying job?

What a stupid fucking conversation. Just pay off the debt. All of it. I’m so sick of spite being what shapes our social welfare programs.


i think solution is to cap the forgiveness at some state rate.

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Are students at colleges with religious affiliations eligible for the loans that Biden can forgive via executive order?

I hate Senator Joe Manchin, even if I disagree with him on only a few issues.

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Why wait on Joe “I :heart: banks” Biden or any other politician to cancel debt?

The moment we all stop paying on the debt, it is de facto cancelled.

Instead of looking at debt as an individual’s problem we have to view our society’s debt burden as a collective issue.

Well, we(collectively) owe $1T on student debt. That sounds like the creditors’ problem to me. They should have made better choices. They can always learn to code.


Why though? The whole point of this is that 17 year olds are in no position to take out six figures in loans and wouldn’t be given the loans in any other context. Kids who went to private colleges aren’t any less deserving of relief than kids who went to public.


I think its fine to have 80%+ of the population college educated and then they can go on to whatever (be a doctor, be a baker, we need both).

The problem is pricing college education like a ticket to the upper class that you can pay for later. Take the crippling debt out of the equation and having all of our barristas and bakers etc college educated is a great idea.


The problem with that is it’s very much 5 losers facing off against an armed Jessie pink man in El Camino.

Sure there are five of you and you won’t all die but some of you are going to die.

You need lots of people who don’t care about dying.

i wouldn’t have a problem with all college tuition being paid for by a fed program, but then DOE should have the duty to negotiate the prices and getting the most value for the most students (including international and graduate studies).

as it stands right now, colleges have been inflating tuition for decades, students have borrowed the money with little perspective or shopping around, and rank and file forgiveness is kinda like bailing out bad behavior that started a few presidents ago.

once again, i’m not voting against all loan forgiveness, but i’m not vetoing capped forgiveness if that’s what the consensus compromise (between dems, not with repubs lol) ends up being.

“Bad behavior” in this context is 17 year olds being financially illiterate. Of course it should be bailed out.


more like ivies (and other private colleges) taking advantage of the financially illiterate