The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Those two don’t even support it to begin with! Why on earth would you bring it to the floor?

A: you don’t actually give a fuck, are only concerned with winning a primary, and want cover to say “hey I tried.” Particularly relevant for (checks notes) Chuck fucking Schumer.

I’ll be 50+ by the time these fossil boomer losers aren’t in charge.


Wait they both said they’re against the bill period? I thought they were just against nuking the filibuster?

Manchin said he’s against doing it unless it is bipartisan and cited the Capitol riot as the kind of thing that could be exacerbated by redoing Federal election law by a 50-50 vote. Point insurrectionists, although he’d just have another excuse anyways.

“How in the world could you, with the tension we have right now, allow a voting bill to restructure the voting of America on a partisan line? I just believe with all my heart and soul that’s what would happen, and I’m not going to be part of it," he told Vox .

It is sad because the answer to this is obviously “you’re not operating in a vacuum, the other party is doing exactly this at the level where they have power and it’s a response to that,” but for some unclear reason that’s unspeakable.

Some people deserve a fate worse than death.

I don’t think so. We’re all just atoms smashing together randomly in a tiny sliver of time we’ve been allotted. Why does anyone “deserve” worse than anyone else?

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You’re familiar with the individuals that made up the Trump administration, right?

Guess I’m not mowing the lawn this week.

My former rabbi was asking in Facebook what gas stations around here have gas. Wonderful.

I disagree, but rather than derail I recommend taking a look at the below link. It’s a back-and-forth between Dan Dennett and Gregg Caruso on punishment. I’ve really come to prefer the back-and-forth style on these things bc it’s a more effective way of getting at the weaknesses in one’s argument than solo work.

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“Battered Biden” - straight from the Fox News dream factory.

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Yeah but Pete gets in some suck burns on Fox.

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I am not against punishment for crimes. I’m more against punishment for the sake of punishment. I also think that free will is not really as much of a thing as people make it out to be, so I find issues when people say someone “deserves” something. Usually people are just a product of their nature and their experiences.

I’m a strong believer in rehabilitation over punishment. In the cases where someone cannot be rehabilitated or the crime is so egregious that a lack of punishment would cause harm to the victim or victim’s families - then lock them away where they cannot cause any more harm. I don’t really care how they are locked up as long as it is humane. Give them reasonable accommodations, hell, let them even have nice ones if it is reasonably affordable and practical to do so.

Prolonged solitary confinement is torture and I got a small, small taste of it during covid. I can’t even imagine living multiple years like that with no stimulation whatsoever. I find it really difficult to say anyone “deserves” that. “Deserves” according to what?


This is all very reasonable. What troubles me is the intersection of bad behavior with power. I am much more inclined to forgiveness/rehab for desperate people thay are driven to certain outcomes. I think this speaks to your “free will” comment. People with power and influence that do bad things do deserve “punishment” in my mind because they had options.

What’s so perverse about the crime and punishment system is that it brings heavy handed consequences to bear on the disadvantaged instead of the rich. More guillotines, fewer prisons.


Greenworks. Once you go electric you won’t go back. Snowblower too.

I think from now on I’m just going to farm out all my politics takes to Gleick.



snap call, especially if they can get Sinema on board.

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Only a matter of time:

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:+1: Passed

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